New Straits Times

Zimbabwean family stuck at Thai airport


BANGKOK: A family of eight from Zimbabwe, including four children, have been stuck at the city’s Suvarnabhu­mi Internatio­nal Airport for most of the past two months.

They are unwilling to return home because of political uncertaint­y there and unable to secure visas to a third country.

Immigratio­n officials said they had applied to the United Nations High Commission­er for Refugees in the hope of obtaining refugee status. They are being allowed to remain at the airport, rather than a detention centre, while their case is considered.

On Friday, the travellers were settled into a quiet corner of a large waiting area, where they occupied three sofas. Their luggage was piled on airport trolleys, and the children watched a video on a small portable device while the adults talked with reporters and airport personnel.

The Zimbabwean travellers declined to give their names, or to explain how they ended up in their predicamen­t.

Robert Mugabe, who held power in Zimbabwe for 37 years, was ousted last month. That was about a month after the family members were initially blocked from leaving Thailand.

Police Colonel Cherngron Rimpadee, a spokesman for the Immigratio­n Bureau, said the family tried to leave Thailand on Oct 23.

But, they did not have a valid visa for Spain, their destinatio­n, so were not allowed to board their flight. And, because they had overstayed their Thai visas by five months, they were fined and banned from re-entering the country for a year, meaning they could not leave the airport.

They succeeded in getting on a flight to Kiev, Ukraine. But, on arrival in Kiev, they were denied permission to travel on to a third country. After they refused to fly to Zimbabwe, they were sent back here. NYT

 ?? EPA PIC ?? Officials talking to members of a Zimbabwean family stranded at the Suvarnabhu­mi Internatio­nal Airport in Bangkok, for two months.
EPA PIC Officials talking to members of a Zimbabwean family stranded at the Suvarnabhu­mi Internatio­nal Airport in Bangkok, for two months.

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