New Straits Times

Keep cool, save your energy for the campaign, MPs told


KUALA LUMPUR: Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia has advised members of parliament (MPs) to keep their cool and save their energy for campaignin­g in the 14th General Election.

He issued the reminder to the MPs when asked of his expectatio­ns for the sixth session of the 13th Parliament sitting, which will be held for 20 days, from yesterday.

Pandikar Amin said he was sometimes emotionall­y affected by the antics of the MPs throughout the parliament­ary sessions.

“We are human beings, we’re not robots. When they (the MPs) get worked up, we get worked up, too. Of course, our emotions will come out but kept under control.

“In many cases, the Yang Berhormat (MPs) act one way in the Dewan, but outside, are able to have coffee and relax with each other, they’re just acting. In the hall, they appear to fight but once outside, it’s all good.”

Pandikar Amin joked that he might have to follow the “tempo” of the MPs themselves when they “act” in the Dewan.

He said this after attending the opening of the first meeting of the sixth session of the 13th Parliament, officiated by Yang diPertuan Agong, Sultan Muhammad V.

Pandikar Amin defended the actions of several MPs who did not attend the proceeding­s, refuting claims that they were playing truant.

“It would not be fair to say they’re playing truant.

“Truancy is for naughty people. It’s possible that they did not attend as they had other commitment­s to fulfil; this is for the rakyat and part of our culture.”

On the possibilit­y that the motion on the redelineat­ion of electoral borders would be tabled at this Parliament session, Pandikar Amin said he had yet to be informed of the matter.

“We still have time; I can even accept a 24-hour notice (for a government motion).”

On a different matter, he said should the motion on the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdicti­on) Act 1965, or RUU 355 be tabled, it would require at least two weeks’ notice.

 ??  ?? Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia
Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia

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