New Straits Times

The choices we make


EVERYONE wants to pursue the “perfect” choice. But does such an option exist?

One example is booking a holiday. There are so many factors to consider before making the final decision.

If you want a full-service airline, be prepared to pay more. If you want a five-star hotel, be prepared to fork out a premium rate.

And just when you think you’ve finally made the decision, the discounts and limited time offers start pouring in. They throw you off-balance and make you reconsider what you’d thought was already the perfect choice.

The same thing happens in life too. Let’s take happiness for example. Many spend too much time trying to find that perfect choice to the point they forget about the things that really matter.

They work harder and longer to build a perfect home, only to discover that the occupants are facing relationsh­ip problems. They find better jobs with better pay, only to discover that they have less time with the family.

It seems there is no such thing as the perfect choice but only best decisions. Each option has its own consequenc­es. As parents, the sooner we realise this, the better.

Given the many options surroundin­g us, how do we make the right decisions? It starts with having the right vision and objectives for your family.

Do you want more money or more time? Where do you want to take your family to? What values and principles do you want to impart to your loved ones?


The answers to these questions can eliminate many of the other options that don’t tie to your objective. But don’t make this your personal decision.

Everyone in your household such as your spouse and children must be involved in the decision-making process because they will ultimately determine the success or failure of your final choice.

This includes all aspects of running a family — from choosing the next holiday destinatio­n to which school to send your children to next year. Include them in the process and you’ll suddenly experience huge engagement from their side.

Scott McNealy, co-founder of Sun Microsyste­ms and its CEO for 22 years, once said: “It’s important to make good decisions. But I spend much less time and energy worrying about “making the right decision” and much more time and energy ensuring that any decision I make turns out right.”

At the end of the day, the success of the choices we make is really in our hands. There are no perfect choices, only best decisions. After considerin­g all options, stop worrying about them. If you have a clear objective and have considered your family’s opinions, it’s time to move on.

After all, happiness is a choice and it would be wise to choose it out of the many other options out there.

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