New Straits Times


US host’s gibe over ‘African-ness’ of World Cup victors sparks wider debate


ALIGHT-HEARTED quip about a soccer team has sparked a serious debate about identity politics and the merits of France’s “colorblind” republican model versus American multicultu­ralism.

When the host of American television’s popular “The Daily Show” joked that the real winner of the World Cup was “Africa,” it prompted a fierce reaction on social media and drew a pointed rebuttal from the French ambassador to Washington.

Trevor Noah, the popular comedian who hosts the TV show, was calling attention to the fact that many of the winning French team’s players are of African origin — immigrants themselves or the children of immigrants.

“Africa won the World Cup,” he said, before adding: “I get it. They have to say it’s the French team, but look at those guys: you don’t get that tan in the south of France!”

Noah’s gag provoked an avalanche of reactions on social media, reviving angry debates about the very different approaches to race, immigratio­n and assimilati­on taken by France and the United States.

While many commenters found Noah’s remarks amusing, others accused the 34-year-old — who grew up under South Africa’s race-based apartheid system, with a white father and black mother — as doing the work of the extreme right.

French Ambassador Gerard Araud immediatel­y sent Noah a stern letter saying that “nothing could be less true.”

“The rich and various background­s of these players is a reflection of France’s diversity,” Araud said.

“Unlike in the United States of America, France does not refer to its citizens based on their race, religion or origin.”

“By calling them an African team, it seems you are denying their Frenchness.

Some French see Americans as relentless­ly race-conscious in ways that are needlessly damaging.

But some Americans say the French system allows minority groups to live on in official invisibili­ty, facing self-perpetuati­ng social and economic obstacles.

“When I’m saying ‘African,’ I’m not saying it to exclude them from their French-ness, I’m saying it to include them in my African-ness,” Noah said in a video posted Wednesday on Twitter.

The comedian said that some French media and politician­s evoke a person’s African origin when the person is unemployed, accused of a crime or “considered unsavory.”

But “when their children go on to provide a World Cup victory for France, we should only refer to them as ‘France,’” he added, referencin­g the case of Mamoudou Gassama, the 22year-old African immigrant who was granted French citizenshi­p after scaling four floors to rescue a child hanging from a balcony.

Noah said he would continue to sing the players’ praises as both Africans and as French.

“And if French people are saying they cannot be both, then I think they have a problem — not me.”

Former US president Barack Obama touched on the same subject, but a bit less contentiou­sly, during a visit to Johannesbu­rg to mark the centenary of the birth of Nelson Mandela.

Praising the virtues of diversity, Obama singled out the French team, adding with a smile, “Not all these folks look like Gauls to me (but) they are French, they are French!”

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