New Straits Times

Fusionex eyeing over 10,000 SMEs

- Ayisy Yusof

KUALA LUMPUR: Data technology provider Fusionex Internatio­nal is targeting more than 10,000 local small and medium enterprise­s (SMEs) to adopt its e-store platform, Fusionex FOR YOU, in the first 12 months of its introducti­on.

Founder and group chief executive officer Datuk Seri Ivan Teh said the consolidat­ed marketplac­e and online platform allows seamless connectivi­ty between merchants and customers.

Depending on the required features and size of businesses, customers can opt for monthly fee packages starting from RM50.

“The Fusionex FOR YOU platform features online and e-commerce capability to monitor business transactio­ns and market their products backed by our vast accessible audiences across all sectors, such as financial services, trade, manufactur­ing and retail globally,” he said in an interview recently.

Teh said SMEs could take advantage of its digital marketing platform that came with the package.

“This online and mobile commerce solution makes it simple for merchants to start selling their products and services within 24 hours of registerin­g with FOR YOU.

“This technology infrastruc­ture enables

SMEs to deliver superior online shopping experience to their customers as it is equipped with a userfriend­ly interface to suit the needs of all merchants and customers,” he added.

Teh said FOR YOU had an entry-level option for SMEs to embrace technology-driven business operations, which not only helped them scale up domestic operations, but also to widen up geographic­al and demographi­cal business opportunit­ies.

“We offer affordable rate and a free-trial period for selected services and businesses. We want to energise the SME ecosystem and ensure growth in their sales momentum.

“We will help SMEs embrace this digital transforma­tional journey, optimising their brand presence via social media and digital marketing channel as well as other e-commerce platform.”

He said Fusionex was focused on business innovation leveraging its vast big data analytics, artificial intelligen­ce and blockchain capabiliti­es that could help SMEs revolution­ise business operations by making them more efficient and cost-effective.

 ??  ?? Datuk Seri Ivan Teh
Datuk Seri Ivan Teh

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