New Straits Times

The novels: Chapter 1 and 2



Richard Knight became an unwilling member of a hunting party. He was with his father, known simply as Pa, and his older brother, Gus. Pa had been looking forward to the trip as he was anticipati­ng Richard’s first deer kill in the hunt.

Meanwhile, Richard was reflecting on how little he resembled his father as compared to his siblings, Gus and Angie. He better resembled his late mother who had died when he was seven. Soon, they spotted a buck. Richard did not want to kill it so he purposely missed. Gus was livid but Pa came to his defence.

In private, Pa asked Richard why he had purposely missed the buck. Richard said that he felt he did not have the right to take its life. Pa confided that he would grieve for the animals he had shot too – a rare admission of his feelings. But he became very philosophi­cal in his views. Knowing Richard’s unwillingn­ess to hunt, Pa told him that he did not have to go hunting anymore if he did not want to.

After that, Gus spoke to Richard, pointing out that Richard needed to fit in with other people. He suggested that Richard take up sports, perhaps baseball. But Richard preferred to do the chores in the farm instead as Gus hardly helped out. On the way home from the hunting trip, Gus got excited talking about the war in Europe. He expressed his desire for America to be in the war and he himself in the Army. Pa disapprove­d and did not allow him to enlist until he had finished high school.

Back at home, as Pa and Gus talked sports over dinner, Richard helped Angie to wash up in the kitchen. Angie had quit school a few years after the death of Mrs Knight and got herself in the role her mother used to play – that of a farm woman. Richard seemed to be the only one who acknowledg­ed her sacrifice for the family.

Later he reminisced about the first time he had gone hunting and how he had felt when he saw the dead deer, shot by his grandfathe­r. He was so overcome with emotions that he took to writing a poem to console himself. However, he hid his poem from everyone else as he felt that they would think him strange.


• Mainly in the woods, in the cold February winter.

• Later back in the farm house in Iowa. Significan­t quotes “All hunters miss sometimes.” – Pa

“Death is a part of life.” – Pa

“Everybody wants to fit in.” – Gus

The despondenc­y in his father’s voice was worse than any scolding he had ever gotten.

It was as if his poem took away some of that old sadness.


Richard Knight

He loves animals and is dishearten­ed that he is expected to kill a deer. He respects his father and does not lie to him. He does not care too much about fitting in with people in general. In order to express his feelings, he writes poems. However, he is afraid to let people know about it.

Pa Knight

He can be philosophi­cal about life. He believes that there is a necessity to hunt and kill animals. He respects animals and grieves over them when they have been shot. He feels a lot but is unable to express his emotions.


Physically he takes after his father. However that is where the similarity ends. He derives joy in hunting and killing animals. He also looks forward to going to war in the army. He enjoys his popularity in school as a star footballer. Angie

She has sacrificed much in order to take over her mother’s role at home. She is resigned to being a farm woman. She understand­s her father and sees his grief over losing his loved ones. So she thinks he deserves some patience.


• The importance of family

We see how the Knights huddle together as a family, supporting one another. Pa holds the family together. Angie quit school to help the family.

• Respect for life

Richard and his father both have a respect for the life of animals. Richard cannot bear to kill an animal. Pa feels grief over the death of animals he killed.

TASK 1: Answer the questions using the informatio­n given as well as from the novel.

1. Draw a time line of events from 1898 to the present day in Chapter 1.

2. Why didn’t Pa allow Gus to shoot the deer?

3. Why was Richard unwilling to kill the buck?

4. What made Pa have a chat with Richard in the woods?

5. Describe Richard’s relationsh­ip with his sister, Angie.

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