New Straits Times

Brunei introduces stoning to death for gay sex, adultery


BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN: Brunei yesterday introduced harsh new syariah laws, including death by stoning for adultery and gay sex, despite a storm of global criticism from politician­s, celebritie­s and rights groups.

The tough penal code in the tiny country on tropical Borneo island, ruled by Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, fully came into force following years of delays.

The laws, which also include amputation of hands and feet for thieves, make Brunei the first place in East or Southeast Asia to have a syariah penal code at the national level, joining several mostly Middle Eastern countries, such as Saudi Arabia.

Rape and robbery are also punishable by death under the code and many of the new laws, such as capital punishment for insulting the Prophet Muhammad, apply to non-Muslims and Muslims.

The decision to push ahead with the punishment­s has sparked alarm around the world, with the United Nations labelling them “cruel and inhumane” and celebritie­s, led by actor George Clooney and pop star Elton John, calling for Brunei-owned hotels to be boycotted.

In a public address to mark a special date in the Muslim calendar, the sultan called for stronger Islamic teachings but did not mention the new penal code.

The sultan, who has been on the throne for over five decades, said Brunei was a “fair” country and the environmen­t for visitors was “safe and harmonious”.

Government officials confirmed the laws had entered into force.

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