New Straits Times

S.M. Mohamed Idris lives on in the lives he has changed

- WONG EE LYNN Petaling Jaya, Selangor

S.M. MOHAMED Idris stands out in the memory of most Malaysians, not merely because he was at the forefront of two leading grassroots organisati­ons — Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) and the Consumers Associatio­n of Penang (CAP) — but because he was a man of principle who never put personal interest before the environmen­t, workers’ rights and consumer rights.

This is unusual in today’s society where politician­s and activists can seemingly be bought and sold, and where campaigns often descend into a tangle of personal attacks.

I was first introduced to his noble work as a child in the 1980s through Utusan Konsumer, the official newsletter of CAP, of which my father was a subscriber. I read the newsletter diligently, and it cultivated in me an awareness of local environmen­tal issues, consumer rights and workers’ rights.

I never failed to observe how Mohamed backed his assertions with facts and figures, rebutted arguments objectivel­y and fairly, and stayed the course in relation to the issues he was championin­g, regardless of criticisms and setbacks.

He never wavered, and never apologised for putting the environmen­t and human rights first. I remember the role he played in the evolution of Malaysia’s tobacco control laws, which eventually resulted in the banning of tobacco advertisin­g, including the sponsorshi­p of competitio­ns and sporting events.

Although as a teenager I was disappoint­ed that I could no longer watch tobacco-sponsored telecasts of NFL and NBA games, I came to appreciate that stringent prohibitio­n against tobacco advertisin­g and marketing is essential to protect public health and create a cleaner, healthier future for all, and this objective must come before our personal comfort and convenienc­e.

Although I never had the privilege of meeting Mohamed, I learnt from those who had worked with him that he was an incorrupti­ble, honourable man — steadfast in his principles and contemptuo­us of the “close one eye” mindset.

He spoke up courageous­ly and impartiall­y for the environmen­t, consumer rights, labour rights and good governance, regardless of who was in power.

His mind remained sharp and his reasoning sound until the very end, speaking up against all forms of harm and injustice, from monocultur­e plantation­s to extravagan­t infrastruc­ture projects that did not benefit the people. He was not against developmen­t, only against corruption, wastage and the irresponsi­ble use of public funds.

He was not against harmless fun, but illuminate­d how advertisin­g could manipulate impression­able minds.

Mohamed could have capitalise­d on his perspicaci­ty and eloquence to become a very rich man, but chose to devote his life to protecting the vulnerable, whether it was the environmen­t, consumers or workers.

He was wealthy in knowledge and spirit and lived an ethical life.

Through his example, I learnt, as I am sure many other activists and volunteers did, not merely to serve and contribute until we have exhausted all our resources, but to try to change the status quo, to try to reform the laws and systems that perpetuate social and legal injustice and environmen­tal destructio­n.

For his efforts in educating the public on their rights, he has done more for democracy and nation-building than many politician­s and self-proclaimed patriots.

It would be a fitting tribute to this great man if more Malaysians were to take up the cause of environmen­tal and social justice, to protest corruption and abuses of power, to call out government­al authoritie­s on destructiv­e and wasteful developmen­t and infrastruc­ture projects, and to educate the disenfranc­hised on their rights and options.

He dedicated his life to educating us on our rights that we may carry on his work of creating a better Malaysia and better world.

S.M. Mohamed Idris lives on in the lives he has changed, including mine.

 ?? FILE PIC ?? S.M. Mohamed Idris dedicated his life to educating people on their rights.
FILE PIC S.M. Mohamed Idris dedicated his life to educating people on their rights.

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