New Straits Times


Muhyiddin compares their dedication with devotion of Prophet Ibrahim, Prophet Ismail


PRIME Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, in a Hari Raya Aidiladha message, paid tribute to the nation’s frontliner­s for tirelessly carrying out their duties in the battle against Covid-19.

The prime minister likened the dedication of frontliner­s to the sacrifices made by Prophet Ibrahim and his son, Prophet Ismail.

In the Quran, Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail underwent a test of faith to demonstrat­e their obedience to Allah.

“The story of the sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail holds great meaning, especially to Muslims.

“A high level of sacrifice is also being demonstrat­ed by frontline workers from the healthcare and law enforcemen­t sectors, civil servants as well as volunteers and non-government­al organisati­ons nationwide, who are still working and fighting the Covid-19 pandemic that has affected the country for over a year.

“At the same time, many among us have lost family members to Covid-19 while many others are receiving treatment.

“I truly appreciate this sacrifice.

“I pray that your sacrifices as frontline workers and the sacrifices made by the public in general are rewarded by Allah,” Muhyiddin said in an address aired last night.

Aidiladha is one of the most important events in the Islamic calendar as it marks the end of the haj pilgrimage to Makkah.

On the morning of Aidiladha, after congregati­onal prayers at the mosque, livestock would be sacrificed with the meat distribute­d to the poor and needy.

Muhyiddin said a congregati­on of 50 would be allowed in mosques for Aidiladha prayers, which was the same number allowed for Friday prayers.

He said state Islamic authoritie­s would set standard operating procedures (SOP), with the consent of the sultans.

The prime minister said due to the pandemic, Saudi Arabia had decided to not allow pilgrims from overseas to enter Makkah.

Muhyiddin said he understood the sorrow felt by many Muslims who had hoped to perform the haj this year.

“I understand that many among us are saddened by this news but I am sure that we have all accepted this with (redha) patience and an open heart.”

He said although the sacrifice of animals would be allowed in small groups this year, he reminded the public to adhere to the SOP.

He said it was important to maintain SOP and discipline to ensure that herd immunity could be achieved in the next few months.

“At the moment, we are still not allowed to travel interstate.

“I plead to all of you to be patient and obey the SOP because your sacrifice is a great jihad in the sight of Allah in order to save all our lives,” he said.

 ?? PIC COURTESY OF PRIME MINISTER’S OFFICE ?? Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin delivering his Hari Raya Aidiladha address yesterday.
PIC COURTESY OF PRIME MINISTER’S OFFICE Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin delivering his Hari Raya Aidiladha address yesterday.

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