New Straits Times

Indonesian minister hails media exchange trip


Media exchange programmes, such as Ikatan Setiakawan Wartawan Malaysia-Indonesia (Iswami), can strengthen the bond between both nations, says Indonesian Communicat­ions and Informatic­s Minister Budi Arie Setiadi.

He said as both countries shared similar cultures, social interactio­ns among the people of Malaysia and Indonesia, especially in journalism, would help forge stronger ties.

“Iswami Malaysia’s visit to Indonesia is part of the cultural exchange and social interactio­n between Malaysians and Indonesian­s, especially in journalism.

Budi said: “The press is the fourth pillar of democracy, and with this, the press in Indonesia and Malaysia can help strengthen the democracy of both nations.

“This is a very good initiative, and we should continue the relationsh­ip between Malaysian and Indonesian media houses, so that there is a better understand­ing of our cultures.”

He said this to Malaysian media members, who are part of the Iswami Malaysia delegation to Indonesia to learn about the presidenti­al election last week and experience the country’s National Press Day tomorrow.

He said with rapid global digitalisa­tion, the media, too, must head embrace technology.

He said there were strategic issues surroundin­g artificial intelligen­ce (AI) that needed to be addressed.

Budi said: “AI will eventually replace many roles in the media world.

“With AI, how can we continue to produce quality journalism?

“There needs to be ethical and AI understand­ing, because this technology can be of help or cause concern.

“We want to ensure that our digital space is healthy and used productive­ly.”

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 ?? BERNAMA PIC ?? Indonesian Communicat­ions and Informatic­s Minister Budi Arie Setiadi (standing, sixth from right) with Malaysian media in
Jakarta yesterday.
BERNAMA PIC Indonesian Communicat­ions and Informatic­s Minister Budi Arie Setiadi (standing, sixth from right) with Malaysian media in Jakarta yesterday.

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