The Borneo Post (Sabah)

US and Asean seek united front on China

Obama musters an informal coalition of Pacific allies to demand that Beijing respect UN ruling on islands


RANCHO MIRAGE, United States: President Barack Obama and Southeast Asian leaders will discuss yesterday a common response to a key United Nations court ruling on China’s islandbuil­ding when they meet in the United States.

The White House, betting that China does not want to be seen as a regional bully, has mustered an informal coalition of Pacific allies to demand that Beijing respect the rule of law.

Obama is hoping to secure a united front against China’s territoria­l ambitions as the US hosts representa­tives from 10 Asean countries at Sunnylands.

The secluded, sprawling California desert retreat has been beloved by US presidents since Dwight Eisenhower.

The UN’s Permanent Court of Arbitratio­n is expected to decide in April or May whether China’s claim to a vast expanse of sea inside a ‘nine-dash line’ has legal merit.

China has also increased its military presence in these areas subject to myriad territoria­l claims.

A collective US-Asean endorsemen­t of the court’s verdict — whatever the outcome — would heap pressure on China, which refuses to recognize the court.

They “hope that, if not immediatel­y, then over time, the Chinese will not want to be isolated and an internatio­nal pariah, a country that doesn’t agree with internatio­nal law,” said Ernest Bower of the Center

As president, I’ve insisted that even as the United States confronts urgent threats around the world, our foreign policy also has to seize on new opportunit­ies. And few regions present more opportunit­y in the 21st century than the AsiaPacifi­c.

for Strategic and Internatio­nal Studies.

Hoping to increase pressure on China over land grabs in the South China Sea, Obama opened the meeting by declaring a USAsean “shared goal of building a regional order where all nations play by the same rules”.

The White House sees this summit, and the prestigiou­s venue, as an opportunit­y to champion Obama’s “pivot to Asia” and Asean’s growing importance, before the president leaves the White House in January 2017.

“As president, I’ve insisted that even as the United States confronts urgent threats around the world, our foreign policy also has to seize on new opportunit­ies. And few regions present more opportunit­y in the 21st century than the Asia-Pacific,” Obama said.

“That’s why, early in my presidency, I decided that the United States, as a Pacific nation, would rebalance our foreign policy and play a larger and longterm role in the Asia-Pacific.”

The summit comes as Asean and US officials report increasing­ly strong pushback from Beijing, which is using diplomatic and economic muscle to weaken criticism.

Officials say Cambodia and Laos — two Asean countries that have no claims in the South China Sea — are coming under particular pressure to break ranks.

Those countries are also the destinatio­n for large flows of Chinese investment.

“The message is ‘fall in line, or else,’” said one Southeast Asian diplomat. “China has leverage.”

But some see signs that pressure is beginning to backfire — forcing Asean countries to turn further toward the United States. That is something Obama will hope to capitalize on at Sunnylands.

In Myanmar, Beijing’s longheld influence waned as military leaders feared becoming overly dependent on China, opening the way for better relations with Washington.

Myanmar’s outgoing leader Thein Sein was not set to be at the summit.

He decided to remain at home as talks inside the regime intensify over whether to change the constituti­on to allow Aung San Suu Kyi to become president.

Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung did attend, after initially canceling amid a power shakeup within Vietnam’s ruling Communist Party. — AFP

Barack Obama, US President

 ??  ?? Protesters line one side of a roadway leading to Sunnylands where US President Obama prepares to host leaders from Southeast Asia at the ASEAN Summit in Rancho Mirage, California. — Reuters photo
Protesters line one side of a roadway leading to Sunnylands where US President Obama prepares to host leaders from Southeast Asia at the ASEAN Summit in Rancho Mirage, California. — Reuters photo
 ??  ?? University of Punjab shows a stegodon tusk at the discovery site at Padri village in Jhelum district. — AFP photo
University of Punjab shows a stegodon tusk at the discovery site at Padri village in Jhelum district. — AFP photo

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