The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Airlines risk fines, losing US access for failure to follow new security rules


NEW YORK: Airlines that do not comply with a new US directive for enhanced security measures on inbound internatio­nal flights could have their certificat­es to operate flights to the country revoked, a high-ranking US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) official said.

The official confirmed that the new security requiremen­ts, announced on Wednesday by DHS Secretary John Kelly, will not be funded by the US government, leaving the costs to comply up to the airlines, airports and their countries of origin.

Airlines that do not follow new DHS rules could be fined, face restricted access to US airspace or have their clearance to operate flights to the country withdrawn altogether, the official said.

The new security measures were designed to prevent widening a limited in-cabin ban on laptops and other large electronic­s. US and European airlines had feared an expansion of the ban could cause major logistical problems and deter travel.

The United States in March banned laptops on flights to the United States originatin­g at 10 airports in eight countries, including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and Turkey, to address fears that bombs could be concealed in electronic devices.

The official on Thursday said the new security directive was not in response to a specific threat, but stemmed from the same intelligen­ce cited for the electronic­s ban.

The new rule gives airlines operating from countries under the electronic­s ban a chance to have the restrictio­n lifted if they satisfy the DHS requiremen­ts, but airlines that fail to meet the US mandate could still face a ban on in-cabin electronic­s as well as other sanctions.

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