The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Siambun twists Tangau’s statement — Upko


KOTA KINABALU: Moyog assemblyma­n Terrence Siambun was “desperate” in trying to twist the statement by Upko chief Datuk Seri Wilfred Madius Tangau on the Umno-PAS cooperatio­n to hoodwink the people, said Upko informatio­n chief, Albert Bingkasan.

“It was a weak attempt by Siambun and Warisan. We are amused at him putting his foot in his mouth. Clearly, he is being desperate,” he said.

According to Albert, all Tangau said was that PAS and Umno are cooperatin­g with each other in as far as faith (akidah) is concerned.

“However, politicall­y Umno and PAS remain in different camps. Umno is in BN while PAS is outside the BN. And they appear to be set to contest against each other, including in states like Kelantan, where PAS is the ruling party,” Albert said on Friday in response to Siambun’s statement.

“Siambun is exposing to the people just how low Warisan is. Anybody who can read (the news reports) knows Tangau has never mentioned about the Act 355 when met by reporters at Upko’s Christmas open house,” said Albert, adding: “I was there and I know what was said. It has nothing to do with Siambun’s version of the story. Where did he hear it? Funny lah him.”

Siambun had claimed that Tangau had given the thumbs up to the proposed amendment to Act 355 or RUU355 being tabled by PAS in Parliament, a stand which is in contradict­ion with what was stated by Upko secretary general, Datuk Donald Mojuntin, recently.

Albert said: “One of Upko’s trademarks is our consistenc­y. Tangau is the Upko chief, Mojuntin is his tag team. How on earth could they have two different party stand?”

“Having said that, perhaps I should thank Siambun,” said Albert, “for his grasp of Upko’s staunch stand in opposing the proposed amendment to RUU355.

“Mr. Siambun, please do not worry, the Upko stand on the issue remains status quo. You and Warisan might try to twist and turn our statements but at the end of the day we know, even your supporters and the people at large can no longer be easily hoodwinked by such cheap tactics,” he said.

As a gentle reminder, said Albert, Siambun’s Warisan mate, Penampang MP, Darrel Leiking, when they were still in PKR, had given full support to PAS’ RUU355.

Since Siambun and Leiking have ditched PKR to join Warisan, Albert reminded them that the RUU355 have been amended three times during former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed’s tenure.

The first was in 1984 to give more powers to the Syariah Court in meting out punishment­s, the second was in 1989 to cover Sabah and Sarawak and the third one was in 1997 for definition. Warisan should ask Mahathir, now the leader of opposition Pakatan Harapan about this, he said.

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