The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Political ganging up will not topple BN — Luyang rep


KOTA KINABALU: Luyang assemblyma­n Datuk Hiew King Cheu has urged the people not to be lured by and believe the sweet talks and empty promises made up by the opposition parties.

Hiew pointed out that whenever there is a general election, there would definitely be many new political parties surfacing and forming opposition coalitions to try and wrest power from the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) government.

“We noticed down the political memory lane that none of this political ganging up had succeeded in toppling the BN government. The past opposition fronts, like the Gagasan Rakyat to topple Dr Mahathir Mohmad, and the Pakatan Rakyat to topple Dato’ Sri Abdullah Badawi and later Dato’ Sri Najib Razak, they did not have the support of the people and failed,” said Hiew in a statement yesterday.

“To our surprise, after retiring for 15 years, Tun Dr Mahathir has decided to come back to active politics at the age of 93 by forming his own party and teaming up with his political enemies, who had scolded him for many years, to form an opposition coalition (Pakatan Harapan). Now he will swim and sink with his former political rivals/enemies, and actually he hated the DAP, PKR and others aiming to topple the BN government when he was Prime Minister of the BN administra­tion for 22 years. Why is he doing this now?

“A common saying that in politics is ‘there are no permanent enemies’. Now it is clear that the opposition party ganging up definitely have their own private agenda. What about the people, do they have to go along and support the opposition to succeed to materializ­e their private agenda? Many people know that they are out to grab power to fulfill their dreams,” he claimed.

“To do that, they might have to resort to promise the people whatever they can to gain support. The question is, will they fulfill what they promised when they have the power in hand? If nothing is done, then the people who supported them will be the end losers. We better stick to the one who had served us for such a long period and not gamble into the unknown,” Hiew opined.

He said the BN Government had been working very hard for the wellbeing of the people, their performanc­e had always been a shining report card for the people to judge.

“The stability, harmony, peace and progress in the country that we enjoyed are the solid proof. The opposition can only provide lipservice and continue to criticize the good work of the BN government. They are always trying to pick on the slight wrongs of the BN government and to harvest the credit for themselves. What about the two opposition states like Penang and Selangor, are they perfect state government­s without problems, mistakes and scandals?” he said.

Hiew added the many attempts by the few opposition coalitions in the past to topple the BN government, which did not succeed, had already proven that the BN government is well supported by the people, who are sensible and would not fall for the sweet talk of the opposition parties.

“In Sabah, we see many people wanting to try their luck in the coming 14th general election. They formed new political parties and coalitions hoping that the people will support them and give them a seat in the state assembly or even Parliament. The question is why are they only doing this just before the general election? Without any good service record and solid performanc­e to convince the people to support them, they will definitely fail.

“Truly speaking, it is better off for them to turn around to assist and ensure that the BN government continues to receive the mandate to serve the people and to maintain peace and harmony in Malaysia,” said Hiew.

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