The Borneo Post (Sabah)

US Senate advances bill to penalise websites for sex traffickin­g


WASHINGTON: The US Senate voted 94-2 on Monday to advance legislatio­n to make it easier to penalise operators of websites that facilitate online sex traffickin­g, setting up final passage of a bill as soon as Tuesday that would chip away at a bedrock legal shield for the technology industry.

The US House of Representa­tives passed the legislatio­n overwhelmi­ngly last month.

It is expected to be sent to and signed by President Donald Trump later this week.

The bill’s expected passage marks one of the most concrete actions in recent years from the US Congress to tighten regulation of internet firms, which have drawn scrutiny from lawmakers in both parties over the past year because of an array of concerns regarding the size and influence of their platforms.

The Senate vote to limit debate on the sex traffickin­g legislatio­n came as Facebook endured withering scrutiny over its data protection practices after reports that political analytics firm Cambridge Analytica harvested the private data on more than 50 million Facebook users through inappropri­ate means.

Several major Internet companies, including Facebook and Alphabet’s Google, have been reluctant in the past to support any congressio­nal effort to dent what is known as Section 230 of the Communicat­ions Decency Act, a decades-old law that protects them from liability for the activities of their users.

But facing political pressure, the internet industry slowly warmed to a proposal that began to gain traction in the Senate last year.

The legislatio­n is a result of years of law enforcemen­t lobbying for a crackdown on the online classified site, which is used for sex advertisin­g.

It would make it easier for states and sex-traffickin­g victims to sue social media networks, advertiser­s and others that fail to keep exploitati­ve material off their platforms.

Some critics have warned that the measure would weaken Section 230 in a way that would only serve to help establishe­d internet giants, which possess larger resources to police their content, and not adequately address the problem.

Republican Senator Rand Paul and Democratic Senator Ron Wyden cast the only no votes. — Reuters

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