The Borneo Post (Sabah)

Abused baby remains in critical condition


SIBU: A nine-month-old baby allegedly abused by his nanny remains in critical condition at Sibu Hospital.

Sibu Police Chief ACP Stanley Jonathan Ringgit told reporters at a press conference yesterday that the baby was still unconsciou­s and on life support.

“We get feedback from the hospital on the condition of the baby. Until now, the baby is still in critical condition,” he lamented.

On another victim, aged one-year-and-five-months, he confirmed the toddler suffered minor injuries on the gum and a tooth.

“The suspect is being remanded to facilitate investigat­ion under Section 31(1)(a) of the Child Act 2001,” Stanley said.

The 39-year-old suspect has been under a four-day remand since Wednesday.

She was arrested at a house in Permai Road on Tuesday following a police report from the father of the nine months old victim. The boy’s parents are school teachers. They reportedly sent their son to the nanny’s house at 5.30am on Monday.

At about noon, they received a phone call from the suspect informing them that their son had trouble breathing. When they arrived at the nanny’s house, their son was listless. They rushed the baby to the Sibu Hospital. Earlier medical report showed that the victim had bleeding and swelling on the brain and eyes as well as bone fracture on the left side of his head.

The toddler, on the other hand, was believed to have sustained broken incisors on the upper jaw and bruises on the lips.

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