The Borneo Post (Sabah)

348 new cases, three deaths in Sabah

- By Shalina R.

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah recorded 348 new positive Covid-19 cases, three deaths and 400 recoveries yesterday, said Sabah’s official Covid-19 spokespers­on, Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun.

“According to the report of Sabah State Health Department, the number of new Covid-19 positive cases in the state today is 348, making the cumulative total to 47,139 cases.

“Three death cases were recorded, namely two in Sandakan and one in Beaufort.

“A total of 400 Covid-19 patients have been discharged from the hospital, taking the cumulative recovery total to 42,806. A total of 2,678 patients are receiving treatment, namely 832 people in the hospital and 1,827 in the public Covid Quarantine and Low-risk Treatment Centres (PKRC) and 19 at the Temporary Detention Centre (PTS) or prison.

“The number of Covid-19 patients in ICU (Intensive Care Unit) is 91 and 23 people require ventilator­s,” said Masidi, the Local Government and Housing Minister and Finance Minister II, here yesterday.

Masidi said Kota Kinabalu recorded 64 new Covid-19 positive cases, the highest number in Sabah yesterday, followed by Tawau (60), Sandakan (34), Lahad Datu (33), Papar (26), Keningau (22), Kudat (21), Penampang (16), Kunak (15), Kinabatang­an (13), Kota Belud (11), Putatan (6), Tuaran (5), Beluran (5), Sipitang (4), Beaufort (3), Telupid (3), Tambunan (2), Kuala Penyu (2), Kota Marudu (1), Ranau (1), and Nabawan (1).

He said no cases were found in Semporna, Pitas, Kalabakan, Tongod and Tenom districts and no additional red zones were recorded yesterday.

“Today, one new cluster was recorded. Industri Apas Cluster in Tawau detected two new cases today, bringing the cumulative total to 22 cases.

“The index case is a storekeepe­r at a shrimp factory at Batu 3 in Mukim Sri Tanjung, Tawau, who is confirmed Covid-19 positive through symptomati­c screening on January 16, 2021. Close contact screening is still being done.

Masidi said of the 348 positive Covid-19 cases recorded, a total of 251 cases (72.1%) were from close contact screening, 50 cases (14.4%) from symptomati­c screening, 20 cases (5.7%) were from new and existing cluster screenings, one case (0.3%) from screening of students entering the dormitory, one Socso case (0.3%) and 25 cases (7.2%) were from other categories.

“The total bed capacity at Covid-19 hospitals is 1,106 units, the PKRC have a total of 4,580 units and the total beds at PTS or prison remains at 1,100 units. This brings the total bed capacity to 6,798 units. The percentage of bed usage today is 39.9 percent,” he added.

Masidi reminded the people to comply with cross-district instructio­ns for necessary matters only.

“Although some economy sectors are allowed to operate by the government, it is not an encouragem­ent of free movement for the public to repeatedly leave the house. Individual­s need to have high integrity and responsibi­lity in ensuring the MCO is truly complied with to reduce the risk of infection,” he stressed.

Meanwhile, Masidi said up to yesterday, 321,756 food baskets had been distribute­d to the target group in Sabah.

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