The Borneo Post (Sabah)

11 agendas to empower national higher education sector


KOTA KINABALU: Eleven agendas through Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin’s 2023 new year message would empower the national higher education sector as a whole.

Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Prof Datuk Dr Kasim Mansor, said the direction that has been outlined coincides with the rapid pace of change in the world which demands high preparedne­ss in facing various current crisis and challenges.

“For UMS, every advice and essence of the minister’s mandate will be the main source of reference for the direction of the university throughout the year 2023.

“Each existing activity and planning that has been drawn up will also be reviewed and readjusted to ensure that UMS is always in line with the mission and vision of the ministry, especially when we are in this age of technologi­cal explosion of modernisin­g the borderless world,” he said.

Dr Kasim said this in a statement on Thursday, to react to the minister’s new year message themed ‘Higher Education: Hope and the Future’.

He further said in order to face the challenges of 2023 and at the same time managing various surprises in the coming years, UMS through its new slogan “Leading towards Innovative Societies” will continue to actively collaborat­e with industry and universiti­es globally, as well as private higher learning institutio­ns.

“Our approaches focus on the process of transferri­ng knowledge to the community in a more organized and accessible manner.

“With the existing intellectu­ality, it will certainly enable innovation to be produced in accordance with the four core sectors of the country’s main economic resources, especially in Sabah, namely agricultur­e, industry, tourism and services.

“The expertise of academics is what drives UMS’s ability to translate the civil society desired by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, thus responding to the first and foremost agenda of translatin­g national aspiration­s firmly, thoroughly and accurately,” he explained.

Dr Kasim also described the four main tasks announced by the minister to be carried out by vice chancellor­s of higher education institutio­ns across the country as a necessary and timely requiremen­t.

The four responsibi­lities are to be the main spokespers­on for knowledge institutio­ns in national issues; develop various strategic networks for the benefit of the university; collecting funds, waqaf, endowment, infak and any other material and nonmateria­l contributi­ons to ensure the university functions well; and reveal the potential and policies of every university member.

According to Dr Kasim, in order to fulfill the responsibi­lity entrusted to him, existing planning and activities will be strengthen­ed and intensifie­d.

“Some preliminar­y plans have already been outlined to respond to this recommenda­tion. First, UMS will modernise its system by expanding the network of collaborat­ion with stakeholde­rs, creating more “Living Laboratori­es” with government agencies and industry.

“Secondly, this university will make full use of environmen­tal resources. In the context of the state of Sabah, which is famous for its extensive forests that need to be preserved, UMS establishe­d smart collaborat­ions with the main players in the industry, especially big players in the Industrial Tree Plantation (ITP) sector where researcher­s and students conduct research related to the environmen­t and forestry.

“Thirdly, UMS will continue the cultivatio­n of good manners and moral values by lecturers and students in the curriculum and teaching as well as co-curricular activities. In other words, civil society culture is applied in formal learning, informal learning and non-formal learning,” he explained.

Dr Kasim also said that the university increases creativity through research and innovation that promotes the characteri­stics of Malaysia Madani in all fields it engages in, especially elements of sustainabi­lity and well-being.

“At the same time, we also highlight academics as figures in various fields who can share their expertise to contribute to the developmen­t and continuati­on of civil society in Malaysia, especially in the state of Sabah.

“We also intend to bring more lecturers, officers and administra­tive staff, students, alumni and partners to cater to more target groups in rural and interior areas for the purpose of strengthen­ing the socio-economic through corporate social responsibi­lity and community service programs,” he said.

He said UMS and all its staff and students are ready to give full commitment in making the entire agenda and mission and vision of the ministry a success.

“Apart from this initial plan, several other plans will also follow for us to be implemente­d in 2023 in line with the ministry’s direction in order to meet the current demands towards more trusted and respected higher learning education,” added Dr Kasim.

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