The Borneo Post

After eight years, Obama lets Israel frustratio­n show


WASHINGTON: It was only an abstention, but it was a long time coming. With just weeks left in office, Barack Obama finally gave vent to his frustratio­n with Israel.

The White House said Obama had decided to allow the UN Security Council to pass a motion condemning Israeli settlement building just hours before the vote.

But officials confirmed they had been watching draft resolution­s in circulatio­n for a least a year and were ready to take a stand when one made it to the table.

Critics of Obama’s Middle East policy allege that he has long been maneuverin­g to engineer an opportunit­y to isolate Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

White House aides, however, insist they had simply run out of ways to convince Israel that its building on Palestinia­n land is sabotaging hopes for peace.

Either way, Friday’s UN vote ordering a halt to Israel’s settlement building will stand as the final word from Obama before Donald Trump takes power.

“Prime Minister Netanyahu had the opportunit­y to pursue policies that would have led to a different outcome today,” Obama adviser Ben Rhodes said.

“The fact that this is happening towards the end of our eighth year indicates that it is not our preferred course of action.

“If it was an outcome that we sought, then we would have done it long ago.”

For months, Washington has been warning in increasing­ly strident tones that Israel’s accelerati­ng settlement program is destroying hopes for a twostate peace deal.

This month, Secretary of State John Kerry told a US-Israeli forum in Washington that rightwing members of Netanyahu’s government are deliberate­ly working to that end.

After Friday’s UN vote, the US special envoy to the peace process, Frank Lowenstein, said Kerry would in the coming days make a speech laying out ideas to revive it.

The White House insists the UN resolution, which Israel wasted no time in rejecting, simply reflects the consensus view of the internatio­nal community on Israeli settlement­s.

But Obama’s abstention came under withering criticism from across Washington -- with both Democrats and Republican­s accusing the outgoing president of colluding with a biased world body to betray an ally.

President-elect Trump, who had earlier convinced Egypt to postpone the vote from Thursday, implied in a Tweet that he would punish the United Nations.

Democratic senator Chuck Schumer, who had lobbied the administra­tion until the last minute, called the decision to let the vote pass “extremely frustratin­g, disappoint­ing and confoundin­g.” — AFP

 ??  ?? Files photo shows Obama meets with Netanyahu in the Oval office of the White House in Washington. — Reuters photo
Files photo shows Obama meets with Netanyahu in the Oval office of the White House in Washington. — Reuters photo

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