The Borneo Post

I never expected to be a stay-at-home dad, but here’s why it works, though surprising

- By Billy Doidge Kilgore

I NEVER expected to be a stayat-home parent. Even after two years, my role still surprises me. Before my son’s birth, the idea of becoming his daily caregiver seemed laughable. I had no experience caring for small children, much less an infant. No one had ever asked me to babysit their kids, except one time when my sister was in a bind. In that case, I could hear the desperatio­n in her voice as she asked me to watch my 3-year- old nephew.

The thought of staying at home with my son first crossed my mind after my wife and I concluded that I needed to resign from my job for the sake of my sanity. After her maternity leave ended and she returned to fulltime work, I agreed to care for my four-month- old son while I was unemployed. It was supposed to be a temporary arrangemen­t.

Leaving work to become his primary caregiver felt like a death blow to my male ego. I consider myself an open-minded person, but my progressiv­e views were no match for the residue of a tradition that expects men to work outside the home. I was a young man with a career, ambition and profession­al dreams, and the critical voice within reminded me that the choice to care for my son did not match the version of masculinit­y that had formed me.

During those first few months, I learned to prepare bottles of breast milk and insert rectal thermometr­es and bounce my son to sleep. It was demanding work; different from a nine-to-five job but exhausting in its own way. In those first months, I didn’t have a clue if I was competent or not, and my self- esteem plummeted.

However, as I learned to balance the daily routine of child care and to understand my son’s particular needs, I had an illuminati­ng realisatio­n. I wish I could point to a moment - a diaper change or a doctor’s appointmen­t that revealed my new insight - but I can’t. It was an intuitive feeling, a signal in my gut that told me I was good at caring for him. My temperamen­t is suited to the work. Despite my initial reservatio­ns and concerns, my calmness and patience matched the needs of an unpredicta­ble baby. Even my wife, who wondered how long the arrangemen­t would last, noticed how well I fit my new role. What did this discovery mean? It was confusing. I did not seek this role, and I was caught off- guard by my ability to perform it well. I didn’t know if I should embrace or resist this newfound knowledge. My discovery made sense in some ways, because I’ve never been the type of guy to identify with traditiona­l masculinit­y. I’ve just imitated it. I am sensitive, feeling- oriented and nurturing. Tough guys do not appeal to me, and when I have tried to imitate them, I have failed miserably (and believe me, I’ve tried).

Looking back on that first year, I realise that caring for my son helped me access my capacity to nurture. It gave me an opportunit­y to grow into this side of myself and in so doing, to become more whole. What felt like a downturn in my personal and profession­al life - a moment of shame and unemployme­nt - led to plenty of good. It gave me the chance to become my true self.

I’ve experience­d joy in moving closer to my authentic nature, but I still fear announcing this discovery to the world. I know how our macho culture treats men who reveal a nurturing and sensitive side. It definitely does not celebrate them and often, they are ostracised for expressing something that makes other men uncomforta­ble.

This insecurity makes me worry about how other men will view me. I’ve experience­d their bewildered stares as I carried my son in a cloth wrap, strapped to my chest. Will they call me a pansy, or a wimp? I’m sure some will, and that many will project their insecuriti­es on me. I’ve done the same.

The thing I’m most terrified to admit out loud is how completely I’ve embraced my nurturing side. I find myself wondering what it would be like to carry a baby full-term, and labor to deliver it. I find myself wondering what it would be like to breast-feed. The thoughts are rooted in envy, because as a male I will never be able to achieve the same bond with my child that a mother develops because of biological features.

Becoming a stay-at-home father has been a blessing for me, but I don’t want to romanticis­e daily child care; at times, it is mindnumbin­g. There are beautiful moments, but there are also brutal days when you want to lie in a dark room and cry because you feel so overwhelme­d. It has heightened my struggle with anxiety and depression and sleeplessn­ess.

Yet, despite the gruelling work, I have fallen in love with caring for my son. I find deep joy in nurturing him. The role given to me as his father is a natural and safe relationsh­ip that allows me to explore my nurturing side. It’s one of the richest blessings of my life. If you had told me the day I left my job that I would love caring for my son every day, I would have scoffed. If you had asked me what good could come from a man with a master’s degree leaving work to care for a baby who slept half the day, I would have told you not much. But if you ask me now what good has come from me caring for my son, I would say everything. — WP-Bloomberg

 ??  ?? There are beautiful moments in child care but there are also brutal days when you want to lie in a dark room and cry because you feel so overwhelme­d.
There are beautiful moments in child care but there are also brutal days when you want to lie in a dark room and cry because you feel so overwhelme­d.

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