The Borneo Post

Netizens deeply touched by widow’s suicide and wish for her dog


SIBU: The news of a widow who committed suicide leaving a message pleading for someone to adopt her dog went viral in Borneo Post online yesterday.

By 4pm yesterday, the story posted on borneopost online Facebook had attracted numerous likes, with most netizens saying they were touched by the plight of the widow and the love for her cream – coloured dog.

The online news was also shared over 1,500 times in the Facebook.

Les Eewong who posted a response to the widow’s suicide and her closeness to her dog said the widow had ‘a good heart to make an effort to write the note’.

Shadeni Kurniawan said the dog would definitely miss its owner.

“Please take good care of the dog,” she pleaded, while others prayed for the soul of the widow, who committed suicide on Tuesday by hanging herself in her hostel bedroom in Sungai Bidut.

The 57-year- old had worked in a factory there for two years.

Her dog was her friend and companion while she stayed at the workers’ quarters.

The dog would follow her to work every morning and return with her in the evening and she looked after it well.

Most netizens, who expressed worry for the wellbeing of the dog now, should feel at ease, for the owner of the factory had pledged to reporters he would take care of the dog.

He said the woman made the appeal to him in her suicide note.

According to the widow’s colleagues, the woman had gone to Sri Aman to visit a relative last week.

“She looked unhappy on her return. She had pleaded to colleagues then to adopt her dog.”

In her suicide she wrote: “I won’t say who had forced me to suicide. All I have to say is, I forgive those who have hurt me. I shall leave with no resentment and hatred. I hope the others will not blame themselves for my death.”

“I am sorry to my elder sister and brother, and my children. Believe in God. It’s all my fault (for what is happening.) I am leaving now. Please forget me.”

She then left a PS note: “Boss, please take care of my dog.”

Meanwhile, her boss, who did not want to be named, said the woman was committed to her work.

He felt the loss and said he would take care of the dog.

He said the woman and the dog were real good friends and the woman would often hug it.

Workers in the factory said their boss had taken care of the lonely woman well.

They said the boss even took her to see a doctor when she fell ill recently, spending over RM100 in the medical bill.

They said the woman suffered from depression.

 ??  ?? The dog waits outside as the police investigat­e the death of its owner in the bedroom.
The dog waits outside as the police investigat­e the death of its owner in the bedroom.

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