The Borneo Post

Man jailed for trespassin­g


KOTA KINABALU: The magistrate’s court here yesterday jailed a man 30 months for committing criminal trespass.

Magistrate Stephanie Sherron Abbie imposed the sentence on Faizal Abdul Kalip who pleaded guilty to a charge framed under Section 447 of the Penal Code, read together with Section 34 of the same Act.

The indictment provides for a jail term up to six months or a RM3,000 fine, or both, upon conviction.

The accused committed the offence on Feb 15, 2015 at around 5.40pm at a workshop in Inanam.

Faizal committed the offence with an accomplice, who is still at large.

Based on the facts of the case, the complainan­t Chong Ying Choy saw a man ( later known to be the accused) dismantlin­g car components in the storeroom of the said workshop.

The accused then attempted to flee but the complainan­t managed to stop him.

In mitigation, the unrepresen­ted accused prayed for a lenient sentence to be imposed on him.

Prosecutin­g officer Inspector Suzie @ Stephanie Kupit told the court that the accused had just been sentenced by another court for an immigratio­nrelated offence.

Stephanie ordered the accused to serve his sentence consecutiv­ely upon finishing his current sentence and for him to be referred to the Immigratio­n Department after his sentence.

Also in the same court, two men were fined a total of RM3,300 for driving under the influence of alcohol.

Adrian Amandus and Azmi Sabarin pleaded guilty to their respective charges framed under Section 45A(1) of the Road Transport Act 1987 which carries a maximum fine of RM6,000 or 12 months’ jail, upon conviction.

Adrian was fined RM1,500, in default, two weeks’ jail while Azmi was fined RM1,800, in default, two weeks’ jail.

He was arrested on Nov 27 last year at Jalan Tun Fuad while Azmi was arrested on Dec 17 last year, in front of a high school in Penampang.

Adrian and Azmi both had 105 mg and 164 mg of alcohol in their blood system, respective­ly.

Traffic prosecutin­g officer Inspector Hanif Mamyudi prosecuted in both traffic cases.

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