The Borneo Post

Fusionex wins Technology Partner Award from Amazon Web Services


KUCHING: Fusionex, a multi award winning market leader in Big Data Analytics ( BDA) and the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligen­ce and Deep Learning; has recently won two prestigiou­s awards that further stamp its capability in providing innovative technology.

Recognitio­n from Amazon Web Services Fusionex was awarded the Top Technology Partner Award’ at the recently concluded Amazon Web Services (AWS) Summit 2017 - in recognitio­n of its being the highest performing AWS partner for 2016.

This is the second consecutiv­e AWS award for Fusionex, as the company won the AWS Top Innovation Partner at the annual summit last year.

James Houng, Fusionex Senior Vice President said, “Fusionex is truly honoured to receive both awards as recognitio­n for the amazing work that our team has achieved.

“It is an uplifting and deserving recognitio­n of the dedication and efforts of our team to provide Fusionex BDA and IoT software solutions that are compatible, not just via an on-premise basis, but also on the Cloud as well as via a Hybrid model.”

Fusionex is a part of the AWS Partner Network (APN), and provides a comprehens­ive, cloud enabled BDA and IoT platform that help businesses collect and analyse their customer data, to better understand customer patterns and needs.

Fusionex’s offerings are used by many industries including those in the retail as well as travel and hospitalit­y sector where it is essential for businesses to understand, at speed, their customers’ needs and the changing trends.

These solutions are instrument­al in cultivatin­g efficiency, increasing productivi­ty, and boosting revenue.

On top of that, the reliabilit­y and proven track record of Fusionex solutions earned them another feather to the cap with a surprise win of the Most Innovative Award, given out by the World Tourism Economic Conference (WTEC) that was held in Heze, Shandong, China.

Houng further commented: “In order to stay ahead, customer centric enterprise­s need to be able to make informed data based decisions that are only possible with powerful analytics and data management solutions like Fusionex GIANT.

“The hospitalit­y and tourism sector is one of our key focus sectors, and we are very excited and grateful that our solutions are receiving recognitio­n across different parts of the World for their innovation and credibilit­y in this space.”

 ??  ?? (From left) AWS head of channels (Asean) Goh Eng Koon, Houng, AWS country manager (Malaysia) Laurence Si, AWS head of Asean Nick Walton and AWS partner developmen­t manager (Malaysia) Wendy Kho posing with the award.
(From left) AWS head of channels (Asean) Goh Eng Koon, Houng, AWS country manager (Malaysia) Laurence Si, AWS head of Asean Nick Walton and AWS partner developmen­t manager (Malaysia) Wendy Kho posing with the award.

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