The Borneo Post

Fusionex launches enhanced simplified Giant 2017


KUCHING: Fusionex, a multiaward-winning, leading software solutions provider specialisi­ng in Big Data Analytics (BDA) and Internet of Things (IoT); on Thursday announces the launch of Fusionex GIANT 2017.

The enhanced BDA platform is the latest addition to Fusionex GIANT and boasts all-new searchdriv­en analytics capabiliti­es that allow users of any skill level to unearth insights in their data. Using an intuitive and easy-to-use search function, users can simply key in requests and GIANT will deliver the analysed results.

IDC recently shared that close to 50 per cent of Malaysian respondent­s from their 2016 Asia/Pacific’s Software Study said they were looking to deploy cloud-based analytics software in the next couple of years.

Fusionex chief executive officer Ivan Teh said the announceme­nt will revolution­ise the way businesses use data in the future as it with a simple request; they will be able to discover complex insights into their data.

The platform is able to understand user queries and immediatel­y churn data insights using the Natural Language Processing (NLP). NLP capability is an Artificial Intelligen­t (AI) component that businesses will now be able to leverage on to gain leverage over their competitor­s.

“With AI capabiliti­es, enterprise­s will be able to reach out to their customers with more comprehens­ive insights that were easily retrieved in a short period of time,” he said.

“Time is of essence in a data driven consumer world, where trends and customer needs change rapidly. Businesses need their data analysed faster and easier and Fusionex will now be able to provide these capabiliti­es.”

IDC Asia/Pacific asssitant vice president for Analytics, Big Data and Cognitive Systems research, Chwee Chua, said where self-service analytics capabiliti­es and data integratio­n is concerned, availabili­ty of skilled resources is a common roadblock to BDA initiative­s among APEJ organizati­ons.

This is where Fusionex GIANT’s offerings stand to add tangible value.

“The barriers of artificial intelligen­ce, machine and deep learning are rapidly dropping. As such, cognitive systems, the likes of Fusionex GIANT’s natural language processing capabiliti­es, will soon be powering data-driven applicatio­ns across a wide spectrum of solutions.

“This new generation of tools and capabiliti­es is capable of offering intelligen­t assistance, advice, and recommenda­tions to end users; thus enhancing their competitiv­e edge or supplement­ing informatio­n for better decision making.

“More than 65 per cent of organizati­ons in the region remain at the first two stages and take an ad hoc or opportunis­tic approach. This majority has just started their BDA journey, learning and experiment­ing BDA technologi­es to address business challenges. Fusionex GIANT would therefore be in a position to help these organizati­ons do so.”

Fusionex GIANT 2017 will give non-technical users the ability to crunch petabytes of corporate data without the need for lengthy technical trainings. The powerful analytics capabiliti­es of GIANT will enable users to forecast future trends and confidentl­y make data-backed decisions and enjoy an increased rate of accuracy in inventory management, personnel deployment, energy consumptio­n, route planning, and much more.

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