The Borneo Post

Longhouse folk give Nyallau a rousing welcome


LUBOK ANTU: The support for Lubok Antu MP Datuk William Nyallau Badak to defend his seat in the next general election intensifie­s with residents of Rumah Mendali Budin at Buyong Panjai Lidong giving him a rousing welcome when he visited them yesterday.

He was accompanie­d by Engkilili assemblyma­n Dr Jonichal Rayong Ngipa to officiate at a fund raising lunch.

The people in the Lubok Antu constituen­cy are rallying behind Nyallau following rumours that his party Parti Rakyat Sarawak intends to replace him in the next parliament­ary election.

On hand to receive Nyallau and Rayong was Edward Lapok Asoi the event organising chairman The longhouse chief Mendali Budin, in his welcoming speech, said he and his charges at the longhouse were happy to see so many people attending the function. He said Nyallau and Rayong make a good team in serving the people as both always have people at heart.

“On behalf of my longhouse folks and people of Lidong who are also here with us, I want to express our full support to Yang Berhormat Datuk William Nyallau Badak as our MP candidate in our next election,” he stressed.

Rayong presented RM10,000 minor rural project (MRP) allocation to the longhouse security and developmen­t committee (JKKK) and another RM5,000 to its women bureau.

Rayong also announced the approval of RM200,000 in Rural Transforma­tion Programme (RTP) 2018 fund for the improvemen­t of the longhouse front yard and contructio­n of a parking space.

Rayong also presented MRP fund of RM10,000 for Kubu Mali Chapel, Lidong committee, RM10,000 (PIBG SK Issu Bangat, Lidong) RM24,000 (JKKK Lidong, Skrang), RM5,000 (Women Bureau Lidong, Skrang) RM5,000 (SK Tabut Parent Teacher Associatio­n), RM5,000 ( SMK Kedit Betong Parent Teacher Associatio­n).

Nyallau also announced government grant of RM100,000 in addition to Rayong’s for the building of Rumah Mendali front yard and parking space.

He also granted RM15,000 to its JKKK and another RM5,000 to its Women Wing.

The lunch was attended by about 1,000 people including government officials from Betong headed by SAO Ludan Lintong, councillor­s, longhouses chiefs from around Betong and Lidong.

 ??  ?? Nyallau (fifth left) and Rayong (fourth left) receiving a rousing welcome at Rumah Mendali Budin, Buyong Panjai Lidong.
Nyallau (fifth left) and Rayong (fourth left) receiving a rousing welcome at Rumah Mendali Budin, Buyong Panjai Lidong.

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