The Borneo Post

BorneoMUN promotes communicat­ion skills


MIRI: Good communicat­ion skill is a vital aspect of education, said Shaikh Tahmid Hassin, the organising chairman of Borneo Model United Nations ( BorneoMUN) conference.

“Having good communicat­ion skills is important. One of the best ways students can develop their communicat­ion skill is by being part of a conference.

“By doing so, they not only learn how to speak or debate in front of the public, but also improve other skills such as researchin­g, writing, critical thinking, teamwork and leadership,” Shaikh told The Borneo Post when met at Curtin Malaysia here recently.

The developmen­t of good communicat­ion skill has been the inspiratio­n behind ( BorneoMUN hosted by Curtin University Malaysia ( Curtin Malaysia) at the campus from yesterday to Sept 29.

The c onference a ims to increase the strength of Model United Nations Curtin Malaysia ( MUNCM), founded by a small group of Curtin students in April 2011 to provide a platform for them to discuss key world issues.

“We try to promote world diplomacy, and also the island of Borneo and the Borneo rainforest­s,” said Shaikh, a mass communicat­ion student at the

Having good communicat­ion skills is important. One of the best ways students can develop their communicat­ion skill is by being part of a conference. Shaikh Tahmid Hassin, Organising chairman of BorneoMUN conference


So far, MUNCM has organised five internal conference­s and six internatio­nal conference­s which attracted a great number of participan­ts throughout the years, both locally and internatio­nally.

BorneoMUN 2017 is one of the events selected to be part of UNAM- MUN League – an initiative introduced by the UN Associatio­n of Malaysia ( UNAM) to bring all the MUNs in Malaysia under a common field.

MUN is an extracurri­cular act ivity in which students typically role play as delegates to the United Nations and simulate UN committees.

This activity takes place at MUN conference­s, which is usually organised by a high school or university MUN club.

Besides gaining insight into the workings of the UN and the dynamics of internatio­nal re l a t i on s by pr o v i d i n g opportunit­ies to assume the roles of UN representa­tives, the conference also helps participan­ts with understand the relations between countries and power relations between rich and poor nations.

This conference helps in expanding the reach of Model United Conference­s of Curtin Malaysia, increasing the contact links with all MUNs within Malaysia and South Pacific Asian countries.

Shaikh revealed that a total of 90 delegates, consisting of bright and inspiratio­nal young students f rom Curt in Malaysia and various educationa­l institutio­ns from several countries including Brunei, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippine­s, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh had converged here for the fiveday internatio­nal academic conference.

“The students are divided into three different councils, namely the United Nat ions Secur ity Counci l ( UNSC ) , Historical Security Council and Disarmamen­t and Internatio­nal Security ( Disec).

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