The Borneo Post

Myanmar rebuffs ‘harmful’ UN statement on Rohingya


YANGON: Myanmar said yesterday that a UN Security Council statement on the Rohingya refugee crisis could ‘seriously harm’ its talks with Bangladesh over repatriati­ng more than 600,000 people who have fled there to escape a Myanmar military crackdown.

The Security Council had urged Myanmar, in a statement on Monday, to “ensure no further excessive use of military force” and had expressed “grave concern over reports of human rights violations and abuses in Rakhine State”.

Responding, Myanmar’s de facto leader Aung Sang Suu Kyi, whose less than two year- old civilian administra­tion shares power with the military, said the issues facing Myanmar and Bangladesh could only be resolved bilaterall­y, a point she says was ignored in the Security Council statement.

“Furthermor­e, the ( Security Council) Presidenti­al Statement could potentiall­y and seriously harm the bilateral negotiatio­ns between the two countries which have been proceeding smoothly and expeditiou­sly,” Suu Kyi’s office said in a statement.

Negotiatio­ns with Bangladesh were ongoing it said, and the Bangladesh Foreign Minister Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali had been invited to Myanmar from Nov 16-17. Bangladesh­i officials said, however, that the minister’s visit was likely to take place at a later date.

A sour note was struck over the talks last week, as Bangladesh officials voiced outrage over Suu Kyi’s spokesman casting suspicion that Bangladesh might drag its feet over agreeing to the repatriati­on process in order to first secure hundreds of millions of dollars in internatio­nal aid money.

Speaking at a conference for Commonweal­th countries’ parliament­arians in Dhaka on Sunday, Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina called for more internatio­nal pressure on Myanmar.

“I would request all of you to discuss Rohingya issue with utmost priority and exert pressure on the Myanmar government to stop the persecutio­n of its citizens and take them back at the earliest,” she said.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is due to visit Myanmar on Nov. 15, with moves afoot in Washington to table a bill calling for sanctions on Myanmar that specifical­ly target the military and related business interests.

In a nod to China, the Myanmar statement said it appreciate­d the stand taken by some members of the Security Council who upheld the principle of non-interferen­ce in the internal affairs of sovereign countries.

To appease council veto powers Russia and China, Britain and France dropped a push for the Security Council to adopt a resolution on the situation and the 15- member body instead unanimousl­y agreed on a formal statement.

The United Nations has denounced the violence during the past 10 weeks as a classic example of ethnic cleansing to drive the Rohingya Muslims out of Buddhist majority Myanmar. — Reuters

Furthermor­e, the (Security Council) Presidenti­al Statement could potentiall­y and seriously harm the bilateral negotiatio­ns between the two countries which have been proceeding smoothly and expeditiou­sly. Statement fromSuu Kyi’s office

 ??  ?? Rohingya refugee children wait in a queue to collect food in Palongkhal­i makeshift refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. — Reuters photo
Rohingya refugee children wait in a queue to collect food in Palongkhal­i makeshift refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. — Reuters photo
 ??  ?? Hun Sen speaks during a meeting with garment workers, on the outskirts of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. — Reuters photo
Hun Sen speaks during a meeting with garment workers, on the outskirts of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. — Reuters photo

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