The Borneo Post

Srebrenica massacre haunts UN peacekeepi­ng


UNITED NATIONS, United States: UN peacekeepi­ng hit a rock-bottom low when blue helmets in Bosnia failed to prevent the Srebrenica massacre in 1995, a year after peacekeepe­rs pulled out of Rwanda as it was convulsed by mass atrocities.

The debacles in Bosnia and Rwanda loom large over UN peace operations to this day and have brought about a shift toward more robust missions focused on protecting civilians. Two decades later, UN peacekeepe­rs are still tested in their mandate to protect, from South Sudan to Haiti. South Sudan After violence broke out in Juba in July last year, peacekeepe­rs abandoned their posts and failed to respond to pleas for help from aid workers under attack in a nearby hotel compound.

South Sudanese soldiers gangraped foreign aid workers and killed a local colleague in the July 11 attack at the Terrain hotel.

Victims phoned UN peacekeepe­rs stationed a mile away and begged for help, but none came. The Kenyan commander of UNMISS was dismissed after a UN report showed a failure to protect civilians. Mali Described as the most dangerous UN mission in the world, MINUSMA has lost 149 peacekeepe­rs to jihadist attacks since 2013, the highest toll of all current UN peace operations. Peacekeepe­rs are seen by insurgents as foreign occupiers in the vast lawless north of Mali. Central African Republic The MINUSCA mission faces scores of allegation­s that its peacekeepe­rs sexually abused vulnerable women and girls. The mounting cases have seriously damaged the UN’s reputation.

The UN maintains that its peacekeepi­ng force deployed in the Central African Republic saved the country from genocide in 2013. But violence between armed groups in the countrysid­e has increased this year. DR Congo The vast country in the heart of Africa hosts the UN’s biggest mission, MONUSCO, with some 21,000 personnel including 16,000 troops. The peacekeepe­rs were largely absent when violence broke out in the Kasai region this year, reportedly killing thousands. Nearly 90 mass graves have been identified in the Kasai where MONUSCO has since set up new operations. Haiti The UN closed its 13-year peacekeepi­ng mission in Haiti this year. A deadly cholera epidemic that broke out in 2010 was traced back to Nepalese soldiers serving in MINUSTAH. More than 10,000 people died and 815,000 people have fallen ill from cholera. It took six years for the UN to apologize. Kosovo Hundreds of ethnic Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians in Kosovo were resettled by UN peacekeepe­rs in camps contaminat­ed by lead after the 1998-1999 war. It took over 10 years for the UN mission to relocate the people to a safer area even though it was aware of the health risk since 2000. Golan Heights As the war in Syria raged in August 2014, fighters from Nusra Front crossed a UN-monitored demarcatio­n line in the Golan Heights and seized dozens of UN peacekeepe­rs from Fiji while trapping dozens more Filipinos who were in their UNDOF camps. The Filipino peacekeepe­rs managed to escape and the Fiji contingent was released two weeks later. – AFP

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