The Borneo Post

Jackie confesses that at first, he did not like ‘Rush Hour’


HONG KONG: The Rush Hour series could have been doomed from the start had Jackie Chan allowed his dislike for it to grow.

The first movie, released in 1998, gave him the breakthrou­gh he needed.

But Jackie has now disclosed that when Rush Hour was being planned, he was on the verge of giving up on the US market.

Recalled Jackie: “I tried to get into the American market a long time ago, after Big Brawl, The Cannonball Run, and The Protector, but it didn’t work.

“Nobody knows who this little Chinese guy is, he speaks no English. I was disappoint­ed. ‘No more American market, I speak no English.’”

Alarmed by Jackie’s negativity, his manager beseeched him to give it one more shot. The reasoning was that for the storyline, the policeman was from Hong Kong and was not expected to speak good English.

Jackie thought it over, and finally agreed to do it.

Co- star Chris Tucker did not have to use plan B: a half nelson.

But even after the movie had been produced, Jackie remained self- conscious about his bungling on the English dialogue.

Grumbled Jackie: “Terrible movie. They don’t allow me to do my own style (of action). The English, I’m not good.

I tried to get into the American market a long time ago, after Big Brawl, The Cannonball Run, and The Protector, but it didn’t work. Nobody knows who this little Chinese guy is, he speaks no English. I was disappoint­ed. ‘No more American market, I speak no English.’

Chris Tucker’s English, I don’t understand. Terrible movie!”

Still feeling disappoint­ed, Jackie flew back to Hong Kong, expecting the worst.

When his manager called, Jackie’s jaws dropped after he was told that Rush Hour was a massive Hollywood hit. What’s more, during the premiere, the audience was roaring with laughter.

Jackie rolled his eyes and took to wondering.

Now, they’re already working on Rush Hour 4, with Jackie, now 63, confirmed to give it one more shot.

Confirming this, Jackie said: “The script probably at the end of this month will have a second draft and next year, (we’ll) probably start. If Chris Tucker agrees.”

Added an upbeat Jackie: “For the last seven years, we’ve been turning down the script, turning down the script. Now, we have just agreed.”

Jackie Chan, star of the ‘Rush Hour’ series

 ??  ?? Jackie with Chris Tucker in ‘Rush Hour 3’.
Jackie with Chris Tucker in ‘Rush Hour 3’.

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