The Borneo Post

‘Volunteer to help less-fortunate’

Those who are more fortunate can play their roles in society by helping those who are less fortunate. This is the kind of volunteeri­sm spirit that we want in our community. — Datuk Lee Kim Shin, Assistant Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture

- By Jacqueline Raphael reporters@theborneop­

MIRI: Those who are better off are encouraged to take part in more volunteer activities.

On this, Assistant Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture Datuk Lee Kim Shin said such act would give significan­t positive impact on society.

“Those who are more fortunate can play their roles in society by helping those who are less fortunate. This is the kind of volunteeri­sm spirit that we want in our community,” he said when officiatin­g at the distributi­on of Aidilfitri assistance by the Muslim Orphans Welfare Associatio­n (Perkaya) Miri, held at Dynasty Hotel here yesterday.

Perkaya Miri’s new chairman Abdul Rani Jaraie and its secretary Marzuki Sulong were also present.

Lee praised Perkaya for looking after the welfare of Muslim orphans and ensuring that all their daily and school needs are met.

“I must congratula­te all Perkaya volunteers who have devoted time and effort to help the orphans. Their contributi­on have big impact on the lives of those under their care,” he said.

At the function, Lee also announced a grant of RM10,000 for Perkaya Miri.

During the event, 150 out of 250 orphans registered with Perkaya Miri received Aidilfitri cash assistance from the associatio­n.

It is learnt that the remaining recipients are from outside the city and their cash assistance would be presented in a separate ceremony.

The Muslim orphans registered with Perkaya Miri also include those from Suai and Bekenu. The event yesterday also included the presentati­on of donations to Perkaya by eight donors.

Meanwhile, Marzuki said Perkaya Miri had set aside school assistance for the registered orphans, but the late chairman Imran Abdul Hamid did not get the chance to announce it.

Marzuki said in a text message prepared by Imran prior to his passing, he (Imran) reminded all Perkaya members to ensure that the needs of the orphans would be met, especially those related to schooling and education.

 ??  ?? Lee presents the Aidilfitri assistance to a little girl during the ceremony.
Lee presents the Aidilfitri assistance to a little girl during the ceremony.

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