The Borneo Post

PM agrees to formation of 1MDB special task force

- — Bernama

KUALA LUMPUR: A special task force is being formed to investigat­e the financial scandal of 1Malaysia Developmen­t Berhad (1MDB), the Prime Minister’s Office ( PMO) announced in a statement yesterday.

According to the statement, the task force would be jointly led by former Attorney- General Tan Sri Gani Patail, former chief commission­er of Malaysian AntiCorrup­tion Commission ( MACC) Tan Sri Abu Kassim Mohamed, former deputy director of Bukit Aman Special Branch Datuk Abdul Hamid Bador and the new MACC chief commission­er Datuk Seri Mohd Shukri Abdull.

“The Prime Minister has agreed to the formation of 1MDB task force to carry out detailed investigat­ions, detection and seizure of assets, as well as prosecutio­n against individual­s who commit any criminal offence in the management of 1MDB,” the statement said.

The task force would comprise personnel from the MACC, Attorney- General’s Chambers, Royal Malaysia Police, Bank Negara Malaysia, as well as several lawyers with expertise in the matters involved.

The PMO explained that the task force would be responsibl­e for the overall aspects of the investigat­ions, fi nancial tracking and asset acquisitio­n which resulted from the mismanagem­ent and misappropr­iation of 1MDB funds that are kept or invested locally and abroad.

The task force would also be responsibl­e for obtaining cooperatio­n from various enforcemen­t agencies in the United States, Switzerlan­d, Singapore, Canada and other relevant countries.

“The government hopes the formation of the special task force involving various enforcemen­t agencies will be able to restore the dignity of the country which has been tainted, and return the Malaysian people’s money and assets following the kleptocrac­y scandal resulting from mismanagem­ent and misappropr­iation of 1MDB funds,” the statement added.

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