The Borneo Post

Bosses ready to talk about how much they pay


Employees now have more access to compensati­on data than ever before-just not necessaril­y from their employer. Sites such as Glassdoor and Fairygodbo­ss aggregate and list pay informatio­n for thousands of jobs across industries, giving workers a clearer picture of how their pay stacks up against that of their coworkers.

UNTIL recently, none of the 170 employees working at Verve, a marketing company, knew what anyone else made. Now, everyone’s salary is listed on an internal document for everyone to see.

By 2019, all 1,100 employees at CareHere, a Nashville based health- care company, will know the pay ranges for all positions in the company. Fog Creek, a New York-based software company with about three dozen employees, did the same last year. As did Hired, an online job search network in San Francisco that employs 200 people.

Employers have long discourage­d talking about money at work, in part because obscuring salary informatio­n keeps compensati­on costs down. But that attitude is starting to change. In a survey of almost 2,000 employers by the consulting fi rm Willis Towers Watson, more than half of the respondent­s said they plan to increase transparen­cy around pay decisions in the next year.

Pay transparen­cy can mean a lot of things. A minority of companies are taking the most extreme approach, where everyone knows what everyone else makes. A larger share of companies are letting employees in on the voodoo behind their pay practices and explaining what goes into compensati­on decisions. Others are revealing pay ranges for positions and posting that informatio­n alongside job listings.

“Many of us who entered the workforce a longer time ago entered into a culture where you didn’t talk about pay,” said Sandra McLellan, who heads Willis Towers Watson’s North America rewards practice. “Today, people are much more comfortabl­e discussing what they earn.”

Employees now have more access to compensati­on data than ever before-just not necessaril­y from their employer. Sites such as Glassdoor and Fairygodbo­ss aggregate and list pay informatio­n for thousands of jobs across industries, giving workers a clearer picture of how their pay stacks up against that of their co-workers. Even LinkedIn has a feature that breaks down pay by job title and location.

The proliferat­ion of informatio­n is leading to some issues for employers. More than anything, people want to feel like they’re being paid fairly, surveys have found. Armed with this new informatio­n, many of them are going to their managers and complainin­g that they’re not.

To make their case, employers such as CareHere have decided to give employees more informatio­n about their pay. “We were fi nding that when employees and candidates were coming to us with salary informatio­n, they were misinforme­d,” said Jeremy Tolley, the chief people officer at CareHere. “A lot of the informatio­n available for free is inconsiste­nt at best,” he added.

“Less than 10 per cent of employers include pay informatio­n in job listings, yet 98 per cent of job seekers want pay data before applying to jobs, so there is still a disconnect,” said Scott Dorobski, the senior director of corporate communicat­ion for Glassdoor. LinkedIn told Bloomberg it strives for accuracy in its pay informatio­n and that employers can even submit their own data. Fairygodbo­ss said its salary informatio­n reflects crowdsourc­ed data.

The factors that go into what makes up someone’s salary are complex, employers argue. When employees complain about a raw number, they don’t know the full picture, like how location, bonus pay, or benefits fit into the equation.

Instead of asking employees to just trust them, CareHere has undertaken a five-year plan toward more transparen­cy so employees better understand their paycheck. The journey started three years ago with the codificati­on of the company’s compensati­on philosophy. “We took all the things that were unwritten and put that together in a document,” said Tolley. In addition, managers received training on talking about pay.

Workers also got more informatio­n on the numbers: Current employees have access to salary ranges for their positions, along with an explanatio­n of how that fits into the market rate for their job. At the end of next year, the company will post those ranges on job listings. By 2020, CareHere hopes to share all informatio­n around employee compensati­on-short of everyone’s salaries.

Transparen­cy has benefits beyond employee happiness. “It’s going to make it easier to recruit people. It’s going to make the negotiatio­n process during hiring much easier,” said Callum Negus-Fancey, the founder and chief executive officer of Verve, which has offices in London, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas. “It’s not that people don’t want the extra US$ 20,000, they don’t want to be the person who missed out on an extra US$ 20,000.”

Posting informatio­n about pay can also signal an employer’s values and culture. That’s partly what moved Hired, the job-hunting platform, to share salary bands with its employees and even post its pay gap online. “Our mission is to get everyone a job that they love, and people love jobs where they’re paid fairly,” said Hired CEO Mehul Patel.

Pay equity is also a big driver in transparen­cy, and companies are under more pressure to prove they pay employees equally. Shareholde­r activism from Arjuna Capital has pressured multiple banks and tech companies to report their pay gaps. Legislatio­n in various states and cities, including California and New York, has also banned employers from asking about salary history to curb discrimina­tion.

The jury is still out on whether transparen­cy helps close pay gaps, but employers often fi nd and correct inequities on the road to transparen­cy. Before going transparen­t, companies usually do pay audits to ensure everyone is being fairly compensate­d. Often there are people who, for one reason or another, are not making as much as they should be.

 ??  ?? Portugal on July 6. — Reuters photo A worker arranges products on the display shelves at a Pingo Doce supermarke­t in Lisbon, STOCKING SUPERMART:
Portugal on July 6. — Reuters photo A worker arranges products on the display shelves at a Pingo Doce supermarke­t in Lisbon, STOCKING SUPERMART:

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