The Borneo Post

We need new superheroe­s to make the world a safer and fairer place

- By Benjamin Moore

SUPERMAN was the first superhero to introduce Americans to a new role for their government. Unlike the grandiose spectacle of the hero’s current cinematic iterations, Superman’s first appearance in 1938 showed him combating social issues. In the debut issue of Action Comics, he saved a woman from death row who had been wrongly accused, prevented a domestic abuser from further harming his wife and stopped a gangster from blackmaili­ng a senator.

Delivering justice, protecting family and stopping corruption, Superman represente­d the newly expanded New Deal state. His immense power could seem threatenin­g - after all, an unstoppabl­e alien could just as easily be villain as hero - but Superman vowed to use his powers only to advance the greater good and fight pervasive social ills. He had an infallible moral compass and an unquenchab­le desire to make the world a safer and fairer place.

At a time when President Franklin D. Roosevelt made bold claims of leadership and executive power, Superman mirrored the benefits for American society, embodying the palpable determinat­ion of an administra­tion calling for “action, and action now.” Admonishin­g the greed and selfishnes­s of the Roaring Twenties, the Roosevelt administra­tion swiftly enacted laws and executive orders aimed at protecting and assisting those most vulnerable in society, such as the Social Security Act, the Wagner Act ( which protected unions) and the formation of the US Housing Authority.

In the pages of the comics,

These characters sold a particular version of the war and its aims: celebratin­g diversity, domestic cooperatio­n between labour and business and an internatio­nal role ....

Superman did the same. Stories like ‘ The Blakely Mine Disaster’ and ‘Superman in the Slums’ highlighte­d issues surroundin­g the right of the worker to a safe working environmen­t and the need for adequate housing.

If Superman helped readers adjust to the sweeping social reforms of New Deal America, another superhero - Captain America - prepared them for war. Making his first appearance for Marvel (then known as Timely Comics) in March 1940, this indefatiga­ble patriot represente­d “the American ideal - individual freedom, individual responsibi­lity, moral sensitivit­y, integrity, and a willingnes­s to fight for right,” an editor wrote in one issue.

Both his costume and his iconic round shield were emblazoned with the Stars and Stripes of his home country. Captain Marvel battled Nazis and any other villain who dared threaten the unquestion­able divinity of a free world. Planting the seeds of American interventi­onism mere months before the attack on Pearl Harbor (and at a time when Roosevelt was struggling to convince Americans of the threat they faced), the superhero simultaneo­usly embodied and protected the fusion of American identity and foreign policy.

On comic pages, Superman and Captain America championed American self- confidence at a time of internatio­nal uncertaint­y. The Writers’ War Board understood this well. During World War II, the US Office of War Informatio­n used comic books as propaganda tools to encourage brave and admirable depictions of America’s identity. On the cover of Captain America Issue No. 1, a fearless Captain delivers a knockout punch to Hitler, decrying fascism as “the menace of hate and oppression, of tyranny and evil which is sweeping over the world.” Superman, in turn, sought to raise money for the war by encouragin­g readers to buy war bonds to “knock out the Axis.”

These characters sold a particular version of the war and its aims: celebratin­g diversity, domestic cooperatio­n between labour and business and an internatio­nal role for the United States abroad. Contrasted against the evils of fascism, America became the antithesis to a gruesome ideology espoused by Nazi Germany and its contempt towards freedom, individual­ity and human rights.

And it worked. The overt patriotism of Captain America and Superman contribute­d to the confidence, morale and pocketbook of the Allied Powers. Their moral certainty stood in stark contrast to the chaos and anarchy ravaging the European continent, and it helped Americans adjust to a new internatio­nalism that the war ushered in.

During a time of upheaval at home and the looming threat of war aboard, comic books fortified new interpreta­tions of the American spirit and a burgeoning American hegemony. Superman and Captain America were idealized notions of the American character, notions that became deeply intertwine­d with US foreign policy. These heroes acted as a vehicle through which America could explore, dissect and ultimately understand both its national character and, eventually, its Cold War foreign policy.

And so, perhaps as America’s internatio­nal prestige diminishes and its national identity becomes more exclusiona­ry for the first time in decades, we should revisit the pages of comic books and those early adventures of Superman and Captain America for inspiratio­n. Their early stories cemented the vision of America as a righteous and noble leader of nations in the hearts and minds of readers, a vision either lost to antiquity or simply lying dormant. And it’s a vision that we must endeavour to resuscitat­e in a world once again yearning for moral leadership.

The United States once again finds itself at a momentous turning-point in history. By casting its gaze back to these influentia­l stories from a time of great uncertaint­y, the nation has an opportunit­y to adjust its faltering course, re- evaluate its core principles and strive anew for the virtuous and heroic identity it has long sought to champion.

• Moore is a master’s graduate of Internatio­nal Relations from Dublin City University, working on the intersecti­on of pop culture and politics, European history and US foreign policy.

 ??  ?? The cover to ‘Action Comics' No. 1000 was illustrate­d by DC co-publisher Jim Lee. — DC Entertainm­ent
The cover to ‘Action Comics' No. 1000 was illustrate­d by DC co-publisher Jim Lee. — DC Entertainm­ent

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