The Borneo Post

How energy companies set off quakes miles from waste dumps – Study


EACH day across the US, two billion gallons of fossil fuel-industry wastewater flies through thousands of undergroun­d tubes. The injection wells descend into porous rock, filling gaps with brine and chemicals and are the result of extracting oil and gas from the ground.

The goal of the wells is for the wastewater to be out of sight, out of drinking water and out of harm’s way.

Except the wells can cause earthquake­s. In some cases, the quakes begin as far as 15 miles from the wells. In a new study in the journal Science, scientists describe for the first time how earthquake­s can be triggered so far away from the wells themselves. An efficient practice by the oil and gas industry is creating a ripple effect far beyond its drilling locations.

Geologists have linked injection wells to quakes based on years of observatio­n. Humanmade earthquake­s, though most are moderate in size, put one in 50 people in the US at

If a well dumped its wastewater into rigid bedrock, earthquake­s occurred within a close distance. There, pressure from water that spilled into a fault triggered the earthquake. The other kind had a “very long-distance tail” - the quakes could appear far from the well, with the triggers petering out only after several miles.

risk, according to a recent US Geological Survey analysis. Wastewater injection wells are concentrat­ed in Oklahoma, Texas, California and Kansas, according to the Environmen­tal Protection Agency.

“Induced earthquake­s are becoming more and more of an issue in central US and the eastern US,” said University of California at Santa Cruz seismologi­st Thomas Goebel. In 2011, an injection well in Oklahoma was responsibl­e for a magnitude 5.6 earthquake, which damaged a highway, shook buildings and generated a dozen aftershock­s.

To figure out how there could be such a distance between well and earthquake, Goebel, along with fellow University of California at Santa Cruz earthquake expert Emily Brodsky, sifted through quakes triggered by dozens of waste injection sites in several states as well as Australia and Europe. ( There are so many wells in Oklahoma they could not link an individual well to the surroundin­g earthquake­s.)

Industrial techniques like hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, shove water undergroun­d to force oil and gas out of shale deposits. Most induced earthquake­s are not a result of fracking itself but wastewater generated at the oil and gas wells. Some of that water can be reused or treated. The rest is buried in wells.

Earthquake­s occur when a crack undergroun­d - a fault - pulls apart. A few decades ago, when scientists were beginning to understand that humans could generate earthquake­s, the idea was “you put water directly into the fault,” said Brodsky. It was assumed water would pry apart the fault, like a hydraulic jack lifting a car, triggering a quake.

But that theory couldn’t explain the quakes that happen miles from the wells.

The study authors were able to identify two types of earthquake­s triggered by wastewater wells, having everything to do with what kind of rock the water is being injected into.

One kind of earthquake formed close to the injection well, but stopped abruptly at about a half-mile from the site, Goebel said.

If a well dumped its wastewater into rigid bedrock, earthquake­s occurred within a close distance. There, pressure from water that spilled into a fault triggered the earthquake.

The other kind had a “very long- distance tail” - the quakes could appear far from the well, with the triggers petering out only after several miles. This occurred if a well dumped its wastewater into softer sedimentar­y rock. This is was a result of what the researcher­s called poro- elasticity.

Unlike solid bedrock, sedimentar­y rocks have lots of holes, like a sponge. Because sedimentar­y rock is more permeable than bedrock it makes sense to dispose of fluid there - more holes mean more space for wastewater.

But the new study suggests energy companies are injecting waste into the wrong place to avoid earthquake­s. Sedimentar­y rocks aren’t completely rigid. They’re squishy. They deform. Wastewater might not shove open a fault in the squishy rocks, Brodsky said, but as the ground fills with water “it also pushes on the surroundin­g rocks.”

Goebel likened it to stepping on a latex balloon sitting in a cardboard box. The balloon bulges outward, and as it does, it presses against the walls of the box. Likewise, as the rock bulges, it can nudge faults far from the injection well. The result: Seismic action at a distance.

MIT earth scientist Bradford Hager, who described this research as a “really good empirical study,” said this report convincing­ly described the two different ways humans trigger earthquake­s, through pressure or poro- elasticity in rocks. But he was less convinced the roles of sedimentar­y rock and bedrock could be so neatly divided. In some cases, pressure might trigger earthquake­s sedimentar­y rock, whereas poro- elasticity could play a role in bedrock.

Still, he said, this kind of work is begging to find its way into “regulatory behaviours.”

Brodsky anticipate­s “there will be some resistance to this” research. “Multibilli­on dollar industries are, you know, not rapid to change,” she said.

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