The Borneo Post

‘Including 1MDB in history syllabus premature’


MIRI: Minister of Education Dr Maszlee Malik’s statement that the 1Malaysia Developmen­t Board ( 1MDB) scandal would be included in the school history syllabus has been called ‘ premature’.

Academicia­n Karambir Singh said history books should be accurate with important aspects of the past and not be a battlefiel­d for political parties.

“The inclusion of issues related to 1MDB is a bit premature as the matter has not gone to trial and therefore, there has been no legal outcome,” he told The Borneo Post yesterday.

“Besides this ( 1MDB), how about other scandals such as the Bank Bumiputera scandal and also the issue of government funds being used to attempt to corner the world tin market?”

He pointed out that both events occurred during Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s first stint as Prime Minister.

“More importantl­y, we should ask Maszlee, why has the real history about the formation of Malaysia not been included in our history books?”

Karambir stressed that the Malaysia Agreement 1963 should be given priority in the history syllabus.

“Also how the oil and gas rights were stolen from Sarawak by Malaya should be included in the history books,” he suggested.

“This Minister of Education seems to be uneducated on many aspects of his job and he seems unable to prioritise the important issues to educate our children.”

Karambir also chided Maszlee for focusing on minor issues such as the colour of school shoes and socks.

“Our children don’t deserve to be subjected to substandar­d issues,” he said.

“Just focus on developing our younger generation so they can get employment and have a better future in this country.”

Maszlee recently informed lawmakers that the Education Ministry is setting up a committee to review and improve history textbooks and methods of teaching the subject.

“I will make sure that 1MDB and how some leaders robbed the nation will be included in the history books so that future generation­s will not make the same mistake,” Maszlee said.

 ??  ?? Karambir Singh
Karambir Singh

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