The Borneo Post

‘Crazy Rich Asians’ gives Henry Golding best film debut


‘CRAZY Rich Asians’ no doubt, is one of the most delightful films of 2018. The part romance, part comedy, part celebratio­n of Asian culture movie is also a massive springboar­d for a new generation of Asian talent. Gemma Chan, Awkafina, Sonoya Mizuno, and so many more upandcomer­s solidified their rise to the top with scene- stealing moments in this movie.

Perhaps no actor got a better boost from the film than its leading man, Henry Golding. Before ‘Crazy Rich Asians’, Golding was a travel host who had never really even acted before. As Nick Young, though, Golding is a modern day Prince Charming. He’s effortless­ly cool and overwhelmi­ngly charming. There isn’t a single studied action in his performanc­e. He just is Nick Young, a rich, handsome, smart, funny man who is totally in love with Constance Wu’s plucky Rachel Chu. It is a revelation that feels on par with Audrey Hepburn’s turn as a princess undercover in ‘Roman Holiday’ 66 years ago.

Henry Golding in ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ might very well be the best film debut since Audrey Hepburn.

Besides both performanc­es being precocious­ly genius romantic comedy turns by unknown foreign actors, both Golding and Hepburn exude a sophistica­ted star quality in these two films. In Hepburn’s case, she gave out a mixture of innocence, glamour, and pure gamine charm that came to define her whole brand. Golding, on the other hand, gives us something we haven’t seen in movies for a long time: the portrait of the perfect gentleman.

The trick with Nicholas Young is that he has to be perfect, yet likable. He’s not a aggressive alpha male, nor is he a selfdeprec­ating schlub. He can’t lean on sarcastic quips to move the conversati­on along. Rather, he’s a totally sincere, extremely considerat­e man who just so happened to be raised in the lap of luxury. Other actors could make Nick aloof, or even annoying, but Golding taps into what really defines the man: a purity of heart. Nick Young isn’t a dreamboat simply because he’s outrageous­ly rich, but because he strives to always do right by people. In being that way, Nick is the true definition of what a gentleman ought to be: not concerned with status or tax brackets, but genuinely determined to treat everyone with kindness and respect.

The fact that Henry Golding can pull this off is something of a miracle. It’s like seeing an extinct species resurrecte­d in the wild, and it’s wonderful to see. Most actors take years, if not decades, to build up the kind of confidence it takes to win an audience over like this. Henry Golding landed it on his first try.

 ??  ?? Henry Golding in ‘Crazy Rich Asians' might very well be the best film debut since Audrey Hepburn in 'Roman Holiday' 66 years ago.
Henry Golding in ‘Crazy Rich Asians' might very well be the best film debut since Audrey Hepburn in 'Roman Holiday' 66 years ago.
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