The Borneo Post

Why Captain America’s farewell is so special to the writers of ‘Avengers: Endgame’

- By Michael Cavna

FOR “AVENGERS: Endgame,” the blockbuste­r capstone to more than a decade of Marvel Studios movies, Christophe­r Markus and Stephen McFeely scripted the narrative threads for scores of superheroe­s — a feat of story orchestrat­ion that requires an intimate understand­ing of a chorus of characters. Yet even after writing for everyone from Iron Man to Captain Marvel, the screenwrit­ing duo remains true to the focus of their fi rst Marvel cinematic project: Captain America.

It was about a decade ago when Markus and McFeely began writing “Captain America: The First Avenger,” which dramatised how undersize Steve Rogers became a World War II super- soldier, thanks to grit, moxie and the Army’s experiment with “super serum.” The writing team embraced adapting the star- spangled hero, who was created by another creative duo — Joe Simon and Jack Kirby — shortly before US involvemen­t in World War II.

Across five fi lms, Markus and McFeely constructe­d intriguing moral conflicts for Cap, the throwback, cynical-free character who is the Avengers’ straightes­t arrow.

“He is steadfast where society is very grey and very mutable,” Markus says. “And so the fascinatio­n has always been: How hard is it to stand up for these things he believes in — in the face of reality? Reality is a pretty tough thing to stand literally against.”

Markus says such fiercely “good” types in cinematic history fascinate him: Characters such as Atticus Finch in “To Kill a Mockingbir­d” or Eliot Ness in “The Untouchabl­es.”

McFeely shares that sensibilit­y. “Chris and I figured early on with Cap that we would be betraying his character if we made him anything other than a forthright, stand-up character,” he says.

The screenwrit­ers wrote Steve Rogers as a hero who increasing­ly influences other people across his long arc.

“He changes a lot of minds in the fi rst movie,” McFeely says. Then in the fi rst sequel, “The Winter Soldier,” “it gets even more obvious that he’s changing the world around him.”

With “Endgame,” the screenwrit­ers found Cap — as played throughout his MCU run by Chris Evans — to be the most compelling character to script. The new fi lm, which officially opened on Friday, has added poignancy because Evans has said it is his fi nal Avengers movie.

“He’s never come up against the kind of defeat as he did at the end of ‘Infi nity War,’” says Markus, referring to last year’s “Avengers” cliffhange­r that set up the cataclysmi­c events of “Endgame.”

“It’s pretty gratifying and fascinatin­g to see him grapple with that,” he continues. “And to see that with the four preceding fi lms that we’ve done on him — that everything he’s done has led to this: sitting in the dirt saying, ‘What have I done?’ What does he do with that?”

Markus and McFeely had no idea when they met in the mid1990s, in a graduate writing programme at the University of California at Davis, that their future would be in adapting classic superhero comics. While some classmates focused on completing their novels and short stories, they decided to give Hollywood a try.

“About halfway through that fi rst (school) year, it came upon us that: Oh, you can write for Hollywood and get paid money,” McFeely says.

So they made themselves a promise: If their Hollywood writing careers gained no traction by the time they turned 30, they would shake hands and go lead other lives.

In 2004, though, they did Emmy-winning work for “The Life and Death of Peter Sellers,” then landed work writing for the “Chronicles of Narnia” fi lm franchise — which led them to getting hired to write for Marvel Studios, as guided by its architect/president Kevin Feige.

Markus and McFeely have worked on their past four Avengers-universe movies with sibling directors Anthony and Joe Russo. Praising the creative culture surroundin­g the fi lms, the screenwrit­ers say they appreciate­d the democratic approach: The best idea wins.

“They’re incredibly collaborat­ive — it’s not a dictatoria­l relationsh­ip in any way,” Markus says of the directors. “There’s two of us and two of them, and it becomes a democratic roundtable way of creating.”

Then there is the special perch of getting to write works that are embraced, scrutinise­d and deconstruc­ted by millions of fans the globe over. The screenwrit­ers relish these unusual opportunit­ies to be under the pop-culture microscope.

Says Markus: “To have that many eyeballs — even if they’re getting ready to tell you that they don’t like what you’ve done — is incredibly rare.” — WPBloomber­g

He is steadfast where society is very grey and very mutable. And so the fascinatio­n has always been: How hard is it to stand up for these things he believes in — in the face of reality? Reality is a pretty tough thing to stand literally against. Christophe­r Markus, scriptwrit­er

 ??  ?? Nebula (Karen Gillan) and Captain America/Steve Rogers (Evans) in ‘Avengers: Endgame’. — Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/Marvel Studios
Nebula (Karen Gillan) and Captain America/Steve Rogers (Evans) in ‘Avengers: Endgame’. — Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures/Marvel Studios

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