The Borneo Post

Rep: Specify what MyKAS holders can, cannot do


SIBU: The government should provide a comprehens­ive list of what a holder of the ‘ Temporary Resident Card ( MyKAS) – or the ‘Green IC’ – can or cannot do in the country, Bukit Assek assemblywo­man Irene Chang suggests.

She said this in regard to MyKAS bearers’ basic right to education, the right to travel, the right to free movement and also the right to employment.

“This will be beneficial for the country as these people would be given the opportunit­y to serve our nation and Sarawak,” she said in a press statement.

Chang also said she had been informed that five Chinese Sarawakian children’s applicatio­ns for MyKAS had been successful.

However, she said the holders of these Green ICs were unclear of what they could do with the identifica­tion document, which was very different from the standard MyKAD for Malaysian citizens.

“In fact, I’ve found that several government department­s are unable to fully ascertain the use of a MyKAS; that is, what a holder of MyKAS is allowed or not allowed to do,” she pointed out.

According to Chang, a MyKAS is a valid identifica­tion document issued by the National Registrati­on Department ( NRD) and must be carried by its bearer at all times – similar to a MyKAD.

She, however, noted that there were still a great number of limitation­s encountere­d by MyKAS holders, especially in their day-to- day life.

Chang said she had spoken to a few banks and was told that the banks might consider MyKAS holders’ applicatio­n to open bank accounts.

“However, applicatio­ns will be considered on case-by- case basis,” she added.

Chang said she had often been asked whether a MyKAS holder would be able to obtain a valid driving licence.

According to her, it is important that MyKAS holders be allowed to have a driving licence in view of the grave lack of public transport in Sarawak, particular­ly in Sibu.

“A majority of the locals rely on motorcycle­s and cars to get around,” she stressed.

MyKAS, being a government­issued document, should thus be recognised by all agencies, she stressed.

“I can only confirm that MyKAS holders are able to marry, and I therefore urge the stateless women in particular, to make applicatio­ns as soon as practicabl­e, to be issued with MyKAS; (this is) to prevent their children from being stateless as well, as this has contribute­d to the critically­rising number of stateless children in our country,” added Chang.

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