The Star Malaysia - Star2



aQUariUS (Jan 21 to feb 19): leO (July 24 to aug 23): Not what you would call a frenetic day. There is some activity, but this will mostly be the people around you running around in ever-decreasing circles. at least, there are good stars for catching up on old work. VirgO (aug 24 to Sept 23): Someone comes to you full of worry about a silly little problem they are having. you, being very practical, will see the problem and the solution almost immediatel­y. Tell them how to fix it, but be diplomatic. libra (Sept 24 to Oct 23): The weekend is a day away, but they come to you with stuff which has to be done by the weekend, and it is more than two days’ work. your dilemma now is, should you work hard to fix it, or should you make them wait until next Monday? SCOrPiO (Oct 24 to Nov 22): your mind is on things that Scorpios are expected to give considerab­le thought to. and, since your sign is said to be the sexiest sign in the zodiac, it is not hard to work out what exactly is on your mind. SagiTTariU­S (Nov 23 to dec 22): you are thinking about things to do to your home in order to make it the palace you would like it to be. by all means, make plans, but it might be a good idea to run them past someone experience­d in these things. CaPriCOrN (dec 23 to Jan 20): you have good stars for just sitting and relaxing. unfortunat­ely, only a few Capricorns will manage to get time off to sit and relax, so you will just have to soldier on and get done the stuff that can’t wait until tomorrow.

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