The Star Malaysia - Star2



aQUariUS (Jan 21 to feb 19): leO (July 24 to aug 23): you have unusual stars. These stars will bring more work, but less time in which to do it. added to this, there will be a need for you to recall situations of long ago to find answers to problems confrontin­g you now. VirgO (aug 24 to Sept 23): Here’s your chance to move up a rung or two on the ladder to success. These rungs might not take you far, but you see you are moving, so you won’t mind. The trouble is, everyone wants to be a chief, not a simple tribesman. libra (Sept 24 to Oct 23): Once again, you start worrying about your finances. This is because there are things you want to buy for the house or, much more likely, for a hobby or interest, but you know you are getting close to that red line. SCOrPiO (Oct 24 to Nov 22): you feel the need to be self-sufficient. This is a laudable goal, but there are times when you should stick with the crowd and let them carry you on with their enthusiasm and energy. you can do your own thing later. SagiTTariU­S (Nov 23 to dec 22): It’s not like you to be moody and negative, but this is how you will be today. naturally enough, you feel you have the right to feel this way, but some people will be less than impressed with your negative approach. CaPriCOrN (dec 23 to Jan 20): your stars favour old friends and friends who are older than you – much older. Listen to what they have to say — someone will put their finger on something which has been a problem for you lately. Listen then act.

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