The Star Malaysia - Star2



aQUariUS (Jan 21 to feb 19): leO (July 24 to aug 23): It’s a bit late in the week to start new projects, but sometimes starting late can be an advantage. Let’s hope it is an advantage today. Check the details carefully because, as usual, the devil is in the details. VirgO (aug 24 to Sept 23): Somehow as you go through the day, scenes from the past drift through your mind. Mostly they will be good scenes and you will dream of repeating some of them. libra (Sept 24 to Oct 23): Good vibes for being with friends and workmates. The stars you have can sometimes bring some sort of outing, so it is possible someone at work has a birthday and you have a special lunch to help them celebrate. SCOrPiO (Oct 24 to Nov 22): you could find yourself being asked to take over some work project. It isn’t a particular­ly big project, but it is a project and it shows some people appreciate your skills. don’t force unimportan­t issues. SagiTTariU­S (Nov 23 to dec 22): There will be contact with distant places. This contact could be to do with work, but somehow there seems to be a personal element here, too. There are good stars for today, so you should have some happy conversati­ons. CaPriCOrN (dec 23 to Jan 20): Today brings sudden expenses you didn’t expect. These expenses will leave your bank account looking a trifle sick, but you soon sort this out and get things back on an even keel. So go ahead and pay these expenses.

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