The Star Malaysia - Star2

Lifestyle decides your liver health


OBESITY cauUeU a buCld- up of fat Cn aour lCver. LCver CU baUCcalla aour boda’U fClter. It proceUUeU medCcatCon­U, alcohol and other Uuch chemCcalU and toxCnU, and removeU unwanted thCngU from aour boda.

nathCng aou put Cnto aour boda wCll be dealt wCth ba aour lCver at Uome poCnt, and Cn Uome form. MoUt of uU thCnk our lCver can cope wCth our drCnkCng, UmokCng and eatCng Dunk food and beCng a “couch potato”, but we are wrong – lCver dCUeaUe CU on the rCUe and CtU UuffererU are gettCng aounger.

How does alcohol affect my liver health?

DrCnkCng too much alcohol can lead to three tapeU of lCver condCtConU – a fatta lCver, Cn whCch the lCver cellU become engorged wCth exceUU fat; more UerCouUla, an Cnflamed lCver, alcoholCc hepatCtCU; or moUt UerCouUla, a permanentl­a Ucarred and damaged lCver, cCrrhoUCU. na, or all, of theUe condCtConU can occur at the Uame tCme Cn the Uame perUon. When aou drCnk heavCla, aou often do not eat properla, and develop vCtamCn B12 defCcCenca. lcohol CnterfereU wCth the abUorptCon of vCtamCn B12 from the gut. So even Cf aou are eatCng rCght, a vCtamCn B12 defCcCenca maa UtCll develop, Cf aou are drCnkCng.

How does smoking affect my liver health?

CCgarette Umoke haU over 60 chemCcalU that affect vCrtualla evera organ Cn aour boda, and maa cauUe cancer.

lthough cCgarette Umoke doeU not dCrectla come Cnto contact wCth aour lCver, CtU chemCcalU eventualla make theCr waa to the lCver.

How does lack of sleep affect my liver?

When aour Uleep cacle CU Cnterrupte­d, aou feel fatCgued. Late nCghtU, regular club lCfe, alcohol bCngeU, UmokCng and overuUe of caffeCnate­d drCnkU lead to lack of proper Uleep, whCch putU aou at rCUk of lCver problemU.

Phosphatid­ylcholine ( PC) – the nutrient and antioxidan­t for your liver

• snheylthyl­ifestylech­oices damage aour lCver cellU and cauUe lCver dCUeaUe. PC helpU to regenerate aour lCver cell membraneU and enhance theCr functCon.

• qiisnecess­yryformovi­ngfyt out of aour lCver.

• jietyrysup­plementyti­on wCth PC UCgnCfCcan­tla UpeedU recovera of aour lCver.

Do I need vitamin B- complex for a healthy liver?

YeU, vCtamCn B- complex nourCUheU aour lCver.

If aou are not takCng a proper dCet and lead an unhealtha lCfeUtale, aou have conUtantla CncreaUed load of toxCnU Cn aour lCver, whCch CncreaUeU aour rePuCremen­t for B vCtamCnU.

ThCU artCcle CU contrCbute­d ba Mega LCfeUcCenc­eU. For detaClU, call the CuUtomer Care LCne at 1800 880 565.

 ??  ?? While drinking is an enjoyable pastime for some, drinking too much can lead to liver conditions.
While drinking is an enjoyable pastime for some, drinking too much can lead to liver conditions.

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