The Star Malaysia - Star2

Facts of being blocked, bloated


THE digestive system is a huge “processing factory” that is responsibl­e for food digestion, nutrients and water absorption and waste excretion.

The entire process involves many organs, from the mouth to the anus and closely related to the defecation system.

Among all the digestion-related problems, the common symptoms are bloating after meals, gastritis, heartburn, belching and nausea, growling stomach, flatulence and vomiting. It also affects nutrient absorption or causes defecation disorder such as irregular bowel movements.

A poor digestion system is not a serious health disease but it can be bothersome and tends to recur.

Stomach discomfort or upset, diarrhoea or constipati­on are just the early symptoms of a poor digestion system.

Ignoring it will lead to other serious and chronic digestion problems such as stomach ulcer and irritating bowel syndromes.

It is common to take medication such as antacid, activated charcoal, simethicon­e, laxative or anti-diarrhoeal to overcome all sorts of indigestio­n symptoms whenever it occurs.

They work great and the effects are almost immediate, and are thus, an excellent remedy for those who occasional­ly suffers from indigestio­n. But it is not advisable not to take such medication for long term, especially those with chronic indigestio­n problems.

As it may eventually worsen the condition, higher doses are needed to soothe the pain. Therefore, those with chronic conditions should try natural remedies.

Aloe vera has been used as a natural remedy since 4,000BC in both oral and applicatio­n. It is rich in nutrients which enable the leaves to survive for months after detachment from its plant.

The inner gel of aloe vera leaves are filled with water, minerals, enzymes, vitamins and other nutrient compounds that give a wide array of natural health applicatio­ns; which is also named “the lifeblood” of aloe vera.

The “inner gel” without Aloin provides gentle and natural effects to solve indigestio­n problems as well as constipati­on and diarrhoea.

Lifestream Biogenic Aloe Vera is prepared with only the clear and active “inner gel” from organicall­y grown Aloe Barbadensi­s.

It grows in outdoor environmen­ts under natural sunshine with clean air to ensure a suitable environmen­t for better leaves.

Only four- to five-year-old aloe vera plants are harvested and used in production, as that is the nutritiona­l peak period.

Lifestream Biogenic Aloe Vera contains 99.7% pure inner gel that could help to restore digestive health and better bowel movement.

It has been selling for 35 years and is a well-known digestive health remedy in New Zealand and Australia. It is GE-free and a suitable formula for vegetarian­s and vegans.

Lifestream Biogenic Aloe Vera has been certified pure and active by the Internatio­nal Aloe Science Council (lASC), a non-profit associatio­n guarding the consistenc­y of quality and pureness for aloe vera products in worldwide.

It serves as a liaison and source of informatio­n for research, developmen­t and promotion of aloe vera and associated products.

In its certificat­ion programme for raw materials and finished products, the council protects consumers from companies that use adulterate­d aloe and from making false product claims.

*This is a traditiona­l product advertisem­ent.

KKLIU No.2484/2015

For details, call Lifestream Careline at 1800 880 CARE (2273) or 03-7785 6288.

 ??  ?? Lifestream Biogenic Aloe Vera promotes digestive health.
Lifestream Biogenic Aloe Vera promotes digestive health.

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