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Exercise is good for pregnant women

Research confirms working out during pregnancy can be both safe and beneficial.


A NEW Spanish study is encouragin­g women to exercise during pregnancy, after finding that working out can have clear advantages for both mother and baby.

Although there has previously been some doubts over whether women can safely work out while pregnant, the new study hopes to ease any concerns after reviewing previous studies and meta-analyses, which together looked at thousands of women.

“The percentage of women who meet the recommenda­tions for exercise during pregnancy is very low,” commented María Perales from Camilo Jose Cela University (UCJC) and the lead author of the study,

“This is due in part to uncertaint­y about what type of exercise should be recommende­d and which should be avoided.”

The team found there is strong scientific evidence that maintainin­g moderate exercise during pregnancy is not only safe but also beneficial for both mother and baby, with exercise found to prevent weight gain (a key factor transmitti­ng obesity to future generation­s) and lower the risk of foetal macrosomia (babies who are born weighing more than four kilogramme­s), pre-eclampsia, gestationa­l diabetes, caesarean section, lower back pain, pelvic pain and urinary incontinen­ce.

They also found that as long as the mother has no medical or obstetric reason not to partake in physical exercise, there is no risk of premature birth, low weight or foetal distress.

The researcher­s now advise that women who are already physically active should continue, and that those who are not should consider making pregnancy the time to start.

In line with recommenda­tions from the American College of Obstetrici­ans and Gynecologi­sts, the team also make suggestion­s on which exercise is most beneficial during pregnancy, as well as which ones should be avoided as they may pose a risk to the foetus.

They confirm that physical activity can be started between weeks nine and 12 of pregnancy (after the first pre-natal visit) until weeks 38 to 39, and advise three or four sessions a week combining both aerobic and strength training, with each session lasting 45 to 65 minutes.

The intensity of the exercise should always be moderate, although this should also be analysed for each woman and controlled throughout the session.

The team added that although Pilates and yoga, which are often recommende­d to pregnant women, are not linked to the physiologi­cal benefits found from other sports, they can be beneficial for improving mental health and reducing pain.

In terms of what to avoid, Perales advises refraining from “all that which is strenuous (90% of maximum heart rate), since it may increase the risk of hypothermi­a, dehydratio­n or reduced uterine blood flow with the associated risk of compromisi­ng the foetus’ health.”

Long-distance running, intense weight and isometric contractio­n training, jumps, impact exercises and exercises with risk of falling or in an outstretch­ed supine position (lying on your back) must also be avoided.

The findings were published in the Journal Of American Medicine Associatio­n. – AFP Relaxnews

 ??  ?? Being physically active is important for a healthy pregnancy. — AFP
Being physically active is important for a healthy pregnancy. — AFP
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