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Tips to improve your writing


YOU can pass an assignment simply by echoing back what you hear in class. But if you’re looking to take a step up on the grading ladder, have a look at this approach and improve your work by leaps and bounds.

Listen to the greats

You’ve heard the lecture and read the chapter. Now it’s time to see what great minds have said on the issue by doing a quick keyword check on Google. Or, hit the library.


Now you’ve several points of view, daydream through the different approaches and see where you stand. Debate with yourself, pretending to come from one angle after another.

You may have a particular love for just one school of thought but at this point, you may have to go back and check some more ideas.

Take risks

It’s important to show you’ve been listening in class, so do summarise what was said and put it in your work. But then start taking risks and put across your wider research. Say exactly what you think and why. If that means calling Nietzsche or Einstein misguided, that’s okay! As long as it’s your thoughts, your reasoning and your evidence, you’ll get points.


You have to reference every statement, citing the original source, but also consider adding a good bibliograp­hy.

This is important as it shows how much work you’ve put in, and if the marker hasn’t read as widely as you (they’re human!) it will point them in the right direction. can automate this for you.


Run your assignment through a spell and grammar check. If you know your language skills are not brilliant, get someone to proofread it for you. For small assignment­s, you can ask a friend but for large, important ones, it may be useful to pay a pro. Also, you’ll need to budget for extra time.

 ?? — Washington Post ?? Do a quick keyword check on Google, and read the views on the subject.
— Washington Post Do a quick keyword check on Google, and read the views on the subject.

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