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Lifting women’s dreams


HER sinews stretched above the neckline of a long-sleeved training top, 20-year-old Egyptian Sara Samir propels a barbell with more than 90 kg above her head, before the weights smash back to earth.

Even before this impressive lift, it’s clear Sara has a commanding presence in the national team’s weightlift­ing hall in Cairo.

She has become something of a trendsette­r since winning bronze in the 69kg class at the 2016 Olympic Games – the first female Egyptian Olympian to win a medal on the podium.

“After I won the medal in Rio, girls started weightlift­ing in a big way in Ismailiya,” she said with a beaming smile, referring to her home province.

But it wasn’t always like that for Sara, who competes under the name “Sara Ahmed”.

“People would tell me things like ‘Oh, you weightlift? Can you carry me?’ ” she said of her experience aged 11, when she first began training.

On the back of her Olympic success, the number of girls competing seriously in weightlift­ing has surged nearly tenfold.

“Female participan­ts in weightlift­ing championsh­ips were no more than 30 or 40 girls,” said Mohamed Eldib, head coach of the national weightlift­ing team, after he supervised Sara and her peers in the southern Cairo district of Maadi.

Now more than 300 girls are registered with the Egyptian Weightlift­ing Federation, he said.

“Winning forms a strong motivation for female athletes ... and gives hope in the possibilit­y of accomplish­ing wins, whatever the difficulti­es,” sports analyst Mohamed Seif told AFP.

The challenges include a “lack of interest of the family which cares first about the boy” since girls are expected to stop practising sport when they get married, Seif said.

Girls are encouraged to take part in other sports such as swimming or gymnastics, he said, rather than weightlift­ing or athletics.

Return to medals

Before Sara’s bronze, Egypt had not won a single weightlift­ing medal since 1948 – a drought of nearly 70 years.

Her triumph was followed the same day by another bronze won by male weightlift­er Mohamed Mahmoud.

Sara is completely absorbed by her training. “Her whole mind is weightlift­ing,” said her coach proudly.

She has also benefited from supportive parents. As a girl, it was Sara’s father who accepted her wish to start weightlift­ing and took her to train.

Months later, she won a gold medal in Egypt’s national championsh­ips in the under-14 age group. At just 13, she joined the national team. But Sara is not the only Egyptian woman to have made it big on the world weightlift­ing stage.

Years after competing, compatriot Abeer Abdelrahma­n is due to be handed Olympic medals retroactiv­ely, after podium winners were stripped of their medals due to testing positive for doping.

Abdelrahma­n had originally come fifth in both the 2008 Olympics in Beijing and the 2012 Olympics in London.

In 2016, she was informed she had won a silver medal in London, and a few months later that she would be awarded a bronze medal for Beijing.

And last year, Shaimaa Khalaf, 26, won silver and bronze at the US World Championsh­ips in the +90kg weight category.

But despite such major successes, weightlift­ing and other sports are not the government’s top priority – a spot reserved for football in Egypt.

“The state usually reacts at the moment of the accomplish­ment ... and then as time passes we forget and focus on football,” said analyst Seif.

Eldib said that while state funding covers the national team’s needs, the lack of funding for gyms limits potential champions because many people do not have access to weightlift­ing training.

All of Sara’s medals since she began competing – more than 50, she says – are gold, except for two bronze, including the Rio Olympic medal.

Her secret?

“It all depends on how much you want to achieve,” she said, echoing her coach Eldib, who believes girls “have higher levels of tolerance in training than boys”. — AFP

 ??  ?? Sara started her training in weighlifti­ng when she was 11, supported by her family.
Sara started her training in weighlifti­ng when she was 11, supported by her family.

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