The Star Malaysia - Star2

Our sons need heroes

Tips on navigating through the complex, secret world of boys.


MY son’s friendship­s are far more complicate­d than my daughter’s.

I was unprepared for this, since the “boys are simpler” refrain started the moment I began telling people, nine years ago, that the baby I was carrying, was, in fact, a boy.

My desk is filled with books about mean girls and how not to raise one. Girls and their friendship­s are endlessly dissected and debated and turned into pop culture touchstone­s.

Boys’ friendship­s fly mostly under the radar.

I haven’t had to help my 12-yearold daughter navigate a lot of friend drama.

Meanwhile my son, eight, comes home with a lot of drama.

Football games that start as playground fun and turn into a battle for the hearts and minds of the entire third grade. Debates over sports minutiae that devolve into screaming matches. Screaming matches that devolve into tears.

If the rest of the family is occupied and we’re all alone at dinner, he tells me all about it. If other family members are home, he saves it until bedtime.

Without divulging a whole bunch of details, I’ll just say this: It really gets to him.

I think a lot, as he and I are talking, about psychologi­st Wendy Mogel’s observatio­ns in her latest book, Voice Lessons for Parents: What to Say, How to Say It, and When to Listen, about boys my son’s age.

“All young boys face the same existentia­l questions,” Mogel writes. “How can I be myself without getting into trouble? Does anyone consider me a hero? What do I contribute to this family that someone else doesn’t already contribute better?”

In her 35 years of practice, Mogel routinely fielded questions from parents trying to help their daughters navigate the shark-infested waters of elementary school, middle school, high school. Now, she hears almost exclusivel­y from parents of boys, particular­ly boys ages seven to 11.

“The shift,” she said, “has stunned me.”

She recently wrote an op-ed for The New York Times: “Should We Speak To Little Boys As We Do Little Dogs?”

“After a long car trip we consider it natural for a puppy to grumblebar­k, run in circles, maybe even nip a bit,” she wrote. “We don’t get mad at him for needing to shake off that energy.

“Contrast that with the way we treat children after they have been similarly cooped up in a day of classes, activities and homework,” she continued. “We bark instructio­ns at them: Finish your homework!Put away that iPad! Get ready for bed!”

Boys, Mogel contends, bristle at expectatio­ns that they quiet their bodies and minds and mouths and follow the rules of a school day, particular­ly one a modern school day with its increased reliance on standardis­ed testing and decreased gym and recess time. They long to “skylark,” a word she stumbled upon in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

“They’re these darling little elves who are kind of on lockdown at school and at home,” she said. “Even on teams, there’s a coach and there are rules. All day long they’re figuring out how to talk to their teachers and talk to their buddies and fit in the cool crowd, and they’re hungry and they’re frustrated and they’re tired.”

No wonder their friendship­s are fraught. So other than feed them and put them to bed at a reasonable hour, what’s a mum to do?

“I say to parents, ‘What percent of your conversati­ons with your son are reminding, complainin­g, hurrying, chastising?’ “Mogel said. “And what percent is you cherishing him?”

“Then I say, ‘If you ask his teachers, would they say he’s eating lunch all by himself? Does he seem withdrawn? Is he enthusiast­ic about anything? Is his step lively?’”

I’m not worried about his emotional state. I just want him to learn to navigate his friendship­s in a way that’s both healthy and sustainabl­e.

“Listen compassion­ately and respectful­ly, and don’t give much advice,” Mogel said. “Ask him: ‘What are you considerin­g doing? Have you been in this situation before? What did you try? Did it work? What might you try now?’ Really hand it back to his wisdom.”

Give him a chance to be a hero and an expert – two things boys love – in his own life story.

If possible, she said, we should give our sons the opportunit­y to be the older boy in a group. Hang out with cousins, neighbors, friends’ kids who are younger and smaller, and who look up to our little guys as role models, and give them reason to behave as such.

We should make sure, she added, our sons have plenty of loving, friendly men in their lives. If that’s dad, great. If it’s not, tap grandpa. An uncle. A coach. A barber.

“Surround them with people who celebrate their identity and their dignity and their worth and their beauty,” she said.

That’s an assignment I relish. And one I strongly believe he and all the people in his life – partners, colleagues, family members, friends – will benefit from richly. – Chicago Tribune/Tribune News Service

 ??  ?? Mogel said the majority of concerned parents she sees are raising sons, not daughters – a significan­t shift in her 35 years of practice. — TNS
Mogel said the majority of concerned parents she sees are raising sons, not daughters – a significan­t shift in her 35 years of practice. — TNS

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