The Star Malaysia - Star2

Leading position

There are certain places in an office that the company head should ‘command’ so that the individual and his business can prosper.

- T. Selva

THE ability to become a leader at any level and remain in power requires art and science – it is not by fluke or luck.

It involves skills to influence, communicat­e, persuade and negotiate with people to stay in a stable and harmonious position for a long time.

The Indian science of architectu­re called Vasthu Sastra states that leaders are not born but crafted by observing the ancient rule of balancing the five elements of earth, fire, water, ether and air.

To achieve and hold on to a top post, the individual should arrange the space he or she is occupying to be with the flow of subtle energy so that the person will be in balance and in control.

Companies experienci­ng constant disagreeme­nt between management and employees should audit their space because it could be caused by the leader occupying an inauspicio­us position in the office.

Office harmony is vital for any business to be profitable and enjoy steady growth, with employees staying loyal.

First and foremost is the location of the managing director, who should seize the commanding place of south-west, south or west quadrants.

The south-west quadrant should be the first choice for his room and he should sit facing north for better clarity, positivity, governing stimulus and affability as a boss.

In the extreme corner of the south-west room, he should place a safe box that opens towards the north for financial growth and prosperity.

His table should be made in wood and be rectangula­r in shape. The managing director’s chair should be maroon in colour.

Avoid chairs with black, grey or blue cushions because they are regarded as unmotivati­ng colours.

Do not choose an L-shaped table, but he can opt for a detached table to place on the side to keep files and documents.

The table must be clean and uncluttere­d because a messy tabletop will attract bad energy and affect the mood and cause disinteres­t at work.

Such disturbanc­es can also create disharmony and employees will develop doubts about and dislike work instructio­ns given by their superior.

The boss’ office should be carpeted in red or maroon and mood lighting is preferred here to ensure he works in a calm and stress-free environmen­t.

White lights are more suitable for all other employees in the administra­tion area who should stay alert during their working hours.

Ideally, behind the boss’ seated area should be a wall and on the partition, an image of a mountain should be hung to give him grounding, confidence and stability.

Avoid placing images that depict tension like weapons, stuffed animals and photos of aggressive animals.

Awards and achievemen­ts of the company or employees should be displayed in the managing director’s room to multiply the energy of cheer and success.

A water feature is not recommende­d in the south-west quadrant and a discussion table that is round can be added if there is space.

When in discussion at the table, the boss should sit facing north and his guests facing east for a fruitful meeting.

For a more formal or decision-making meeting, the managing director should adjourn to the meeting room preferably located in the south or west quadrant. Here, too, he should face north when giving instructio­ns and making a decision.

Avoid having a mirror on the wall that reflects his image when he is seated because it will cause disturbanc­e from another person in his space.

The boss must avoid sitting facing south and west or he will lose concentrat­ion, experience tension and feel fatigue.

T. Selva is the author of the bestsellin­g book Vasthu Sastra Guide. You can follow him on Facebook Vasthu Sastra and write to him at drtselvas@gmail. com. This column appears on the last Friday of every month. Tomorrow, Selva will present a paper on how Vasthu and astrology sciences can be jointly practised by people for health, peace, prosperity and happiness at the two-day 4th South Asian Astro and Vasthu Conference in Pokhara, Nepal.

 ??  ?? To achieve and hold on to a top post, a manager director should be mindful of how his or her work space is arranged.
To achieve and hold on to a top post, a manager director should be mindful of how his or her work space is arranged.

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