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Discover the power of glutathion­e


THE secret to clear, glowing skin lies in the liver, as it filters and flushes impurities from the body.

Skin conditions such as acne, skin dryness, itchy redness, dark circles under the eyes, premature ageing, liver spots, dull and uneven skin tone are common signs of a distressed liver.

An unhealthy liver can cause buildup of toxins in the body.

This is common among people who often stay up late, lead an inactive lifestyle and have an imbalanced diet.

Skin directly reflects the liver’s health condition, as it is the largest organ of the body and one of the means to eliminate toxic substances. When the liver is congested with toxins, the body responds by purging them through other channels, with the overload showing up on the face.

But when toxins overwhelm the skin, inflammato­ry factors and free radicals occur as skin problems.

For example, persistent skin rash on top of the feet and lower legs can be a sign of hepatitis, according to the American Academy of Dermatolog­y.

Besides the appearance of various skin problems, those who have a congested liver feel sluggish, have frequent headaches, general foggy state of mind, uncontroll­ed weight gain, mood swing or even discoloura­tion of the eyes.

Glutathion­e – a natural antioxidan­t found in most food like vegetables and animal organs – helps the liver get rid of toxin build-up.

Glutathion­e is native to the body and is involved in every single bodily process.

It is also known as a life-saving molecule that delivers health benefits beyond just anti-ageing.

Glutathion­e is particular­ly concentrat­ed in the liver. It is the master of antioxidan­ts and a critical detoxifier.

Glutathion­e is able to resuscitat­e secondary antioxidan­ts and it possesses high catalytic properties in the eliminatio­n of free radicals.

It also gives a second life to other secondary allies such as Vitamin C and E, which quenches only one free radical at one time.

Glutathion­e works by expelling toxins from the body via urine or bile.

Oral administra­tion of glutathion­e is one of the potential therapeuti­c strategies to treat liver diseases and improve liver functions, it is recommende­d to take about 200mg to 300mg of glutathion­e per day for at least four months.(1)

Owing to its antioxidat­ive power, glutathion­e is also able to suppress melanin production enzymes and prevent sun damage.

In a Japanese study, patented glutathion­e demonstrat­ed promising effects on skin lightening and that includes lightening effect on UV spots.(2)

But not all glutathion­e is the same – a good-quality oral glutathion­e supplement should:

• have scientific proof of its absorption and bioavailab­ility,

• be derived from food and not geneticall­y modified, and

• is best formulated together with other potent antioxidan­ts such as alpha lipoic acid and lycopene as studies show these enhance the antioxidat­ive power of glutathion­e.

This informatio­n is brought to you by the in-house pharmacist­s of Cambert (M) Sdn Bhd.


Honda et al. 2017 Efficacy of glutathion­e (1) for the treatment of nonalcohol­ic fatty liver disease: an open-label, single-arm, multicente­r, pilot study. BMC Gastroente­rol 17:96.

Arjinpatha­na N & Asawanonda P. 2010. (2)

Glutathion­e as an oral whitening agent: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Journal of Dermatolog­ical Treatment; Early Online, 1-6.

■ For details, call 1300 881 712 or 03-5638 3660.

 ??  ?? Besides expelling toxins from the body, glutathion­e is also able to suppress melanin production enzymes and prevent sun damage.
Besides expelling toxins from the body, glutathion­e is also able to suppress melanin production enzymes and prevent sun damage.

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