The Star Malaysia - Star2

Effective joint pain care


JOINT pain in the knees, ankles and shoulders is a widespread problem, especially among the elderly.

Joints are connection­s between two bones and the wear and tear of cartilages – the tough material that cushions joints – leads to inflammati­on, pain and stiffness in those areas. This is known as osteoarthr­itis.

Risk factors vary from obesity to hereditary conditions, with age being one of the most common risk factors. As risk factors are often out of the patient’s control, learning how to care for joints before osteoarthr­itis develops and pain sets in is important.

Glucosamin­e is a natural compound found in cartilages. It is often prescribed as a health supplement to treat osteoarthr­itis. In its supplement­al form of glucosamin­e sulfate, studies have shown that 1,500mg a day helps reduce knee pain, encourage the regrowth of cartilage and prevent further breakdown of these substances.

Chondroiti­n sulfate is also commonly found in cartilages. It has anti-inflammato­ry benefits that help reduce pain and slow down the wear and tear of cartilages.

Following clinical studies, 1,200mg chondroiti­n sulfate is commonly recommende­d together with 1,500mg glucosamin­e sulfate, a combinatio­n clinically proven to reduce pain and aid knee function recovery.

The optimum combinatio­n of 1,500mg glucosamin­e and 1,200mg chondroiti­n reduces joint pain and swelling, rebuilds joint cartilages and slows down osteoarthr­itis. Other ways to preserve joint health are:

• Getting the right nutrients, as bones are constantly being regenerate­d and require a steady supply of the right raw materials. Take lots of calcium and vitamins D and K2.

• Staying active and exercising regularly helps to prevent stiffness in joints.

This article is brought to you by Vitamode Sdn Bhd.

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1. Zeng, C. et al. Effectiven­ess and safety of Glucosamin­e, chondroiti­n, the two in combinatio­n, or celecoxib in the treatment of osteoarthr­itis of the knee. Sci. Rep. 5, 16827; doi: 10.1038/srep16827 (2015).

2. Hochberg MC, Martel-Pelletier J, Monfort J, et al. Combined chondroiti­n sulfate and glucosamin­e for painful knee osteoarthr­itis: a multicentr­e, randomised, double-blind, non-inferiorit­y trial versus celecoxib. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases Published Online First: 14 January 2015. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdi­s-2014-206792.

 ??  ?? On top of supplement­ation, staying active and exercising regularly helps prevent stiffness in joints.
On top of supplement­ation, staying active and exercising regularly helps prevent stiffness in joints.

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